Thursday, March 30, 2017

Additions and Corrections to “Willem Adriaense Bennet of Brooklyn, N.Y." - Isaac3 Bennet (Adriaen2, Willem1)

Additions and Corrections to “Willem Adriaense Bennet of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Some of His Descendants”, by Wilson V. Ledley

The Family of Isaac3 Bennet (Adriaen2, Willem1) (#14) and Magdalena Joosten

94: 40.  Isaac3’s family is probably listed in the Kings Co., N.Y. census of 1698 in Brooklyn[1] under the name Isaac Mennist.  The last record of Isaac Bennet is his listing in the Tax Assessment of Brooklyn on 20 Dec 1706.[2]  He does not appear in a listing of Freeholders in Brooklyn on 27 Jan 1711.[3]  As seen later, his wife, Magdalena, remarried about that time to Joseph Fenton.  Bergen states[4] that Isaac and his children removed to Bucks Co., Pa.  However, it appears that Isaac himself did not and his children who did so probably did as they reached maturity.  Ledley assigns a second wife, Sarah, to Isaac.  However, the baptismal record of Sarah Bennet on 30 Sep 1732 at the Dutch Reformed Church of Bensalem[5] which is probably the source for that assertion does not gives any indication of the relationship between the witnesses Isaac Bennet and Sarah Bennet.  Isaac was probably the first cousin of the father, while Sarah was probably paternal aunt of the baptized, not the step-mother, all living in the area at that time.

94: 40.  Isaac3’s wife, Magdalena Joosten, was the daughter of Joost Fransen and Geertje Van Nuys, not a Van der Koek as Ledley suggested.  He referenced a land sale recorded 6 May 1701 between Isaac Bennet and Helena, his wife, and Michael Vanderkoek for 1/2 a plantation in Bedford, formerly the property of Joost ffrance (Frans).[6]  Michael Van der Koek's wife was Sara Joosten.[7]  Sara and Magdalena were daughters of Joost Frans/Fransen and Geertruyd Aukes Van Nuys. Magdalena was baptized at Midwout on 2 Nov 1679, daughter of "Frans. Joosten" (an error in record has the names are reversed) and Geetruid Aukes. Sponsors were Wijnand, & Huisvrouw, Jannetje Aukes (Jannetje is in error for Annatje).[8]

Magdalena Joosten married second Joseph Fenton.  Isaac probably died about 1711 when he did not appear in the list of signers at the Brooklyn Town Meeting on 27 Jan 1711.[9]  However, Joseph Fenton does appear in that list.  Joseph was taxed in Jamaica in 1709,[10] so he moved to Brooklyn in the interim.  He died by 1719 when the inventory of his estate was taken: 
“An Inventory and Appraissment Taken this Sixteenth Day of December 1719 by us under Written of all ye personall Estate Left by Joseph Fenten late of ye yland of Nassau Deceased upon ye Request of Adriaen Bennet son in law of said Joseph Fenten and Casparus Kimber Another to said Joseph Fenten.”[11] 
In this document “son in law” should be understood as step-son. “Another” should almost certainly be read as “Brother” and understood as “half-brother”.

This understanding is supported by later interactions between the children of Isaac Bennet and Magdalena Joosten and the children of Joseph Fenton (son of Joseph Fenton and Magdalena Joosten) and his wife, Mary Van Dyck as evidenced in several baptismal records:
1) Eelena of Joseph Fenten and Maritie van Dyck, bapt. October 19, 1746.  Spon: Isaac Bennet and Bettie Aarse.[12]
2) Jan of Joseph Fenten and Maritie van Dyck, bapt. December 29, 1748. Spon: Jost Bennet and Gertie Vliet.[13]
3) Agnietje, d/o Joseph Fenton and Maria Van Dyck, baptized 2 Feb 1752; Johannes Bennet and Agnietje Bennet[14]  (See later discussion for Angeniejte’s inclusion in this family.)
4) Maajeke of Jacob Bennet and Maajeke Wykof, bapt. April 22, 1753. Spon: Joseph Tenton and Maria Van Dyk.[15]

Of the children of Isaac and Magdalena:

94: 208. Their son, Adriaen4, married Grietje Van Pelt and had a daughter, Margaret, baptized at the DRC of New Utrecht in 1723[16].  He is included in a list of Freeholds in Brooklyn on 7 Jan 1724.[17]  His wife was deceased by May 21, 1728 when her father wrote his will appointing two of his sons as guardians for his granddaughter, Margaret Bennet.[18] 

94: 209, 94: 37. Adriaen4 did not have a daughter named Barbara as assumed by Ledley, which was based on Adriaen’s presumed second marriage to Jane Griggs.  Ledley stated that Adriaen3 Bennet (Adriaen2 Willem1) had possibly married a woman named Catherine as his second wife and that he died intestate in 1731.  Barbara Barth, in “The Family of Dirck Jansen Woertman of Brooklyn Ferry” identifies that Catherine as the Catherine Woertman above.[19]  While the identification of Catherine is correct (which was Barth's goal), the identification of her husband is not.  As shown earlier, that Adriaen did not survive his wife, Barbara Vonk.

With the elimination of Adriaen3 Bennet (Adriaen2, Willem1) above as a possible husband of a woman named Catherine, it is apparent that it was their son, Adriaen4, who married Catherine Woertman.[20]  Catherine’s subsequent history has been largely lost due to the lack of records regarding her, the incompleteness or inaccuracy of some of those that do exist and the misinterpretation of others.  A review of the lives of those closest to her, i.e. her first husband, Adriaen Bennet, her second husband, Jacob Bennet, her step-daughter, Margaret Bennet, and her sister-in-law, Angeniejte Bennet, helps to bring her biography back.  No single record proves any one of these relationships, but taken together present a reasonable reconstruction of her family.

Catherine is known to have married a Bennet from the will of her father,[21] written in October 29, 1729, which gives her married name as Bennit. They were residents of Brooklyn, NY in 1731[22] where the family is listed in the census with 3 males above 10 and 1 woman above 10.  The other two males are probably his brothers, Jacob who married in 1732[23] and his brother, Joost.  Adriaen and his wife, Catherine (no maiden name given), were witnesses for the baptism of Engeltje Blauw on 10 Oct 1731.[24]  However, he was deceased by November 1731 when his widow, Catherine, was appointed executor of his estate.[25]

After Adriaen’s death, Catherine married Jacob4 Bennet (Jacob3, Adriaen2, Willem1), son of Jacob Bennet and Barbara Verdon, as his second wife.  It is not known when Jacob’s first wife, Jannetje, died, but it was sometime before Jacob Bennet, Jr. and his wife, Catherine, appeared as witnesses for the baptism of Catherine’s niece, Catherine Hoogland.[26]  The use of Jr. for this witness clearly indicates that he was the son of Jacob Bennet and Barbara Verdon as the only other Jacob born by 1720 who might have been living in Kings County was older than Jacob Bennet, Jr.’s father.[27] 

94: 209. Margaret5, daughter of Adriaen4 Bennet and Grietje Van Pelt, married Jacob Bergen, but Ledley notes his identification of Jacob’s parents was questionable, and it is, in fact, partially wrong.  The children of Jacob Bergen and Margret Bennet include the children of two separate families as given by Teunis Bergen.[28]  The “first” family is that of Jacob, son Jacob Jacobse Bergen and Maria Crosen,[29] his wife, Margaret Bennet and the first three children in the combined family below.  The “second” family is that of Jacob, son of Frederick Bergen and Gerretje Veght, his wife Margaret Lane[30] and the last three children in the family below. 

The children of Jacob Bergen and Margaret Bennet are as follows:
1) Grietje6, baptized 6 May 1745;[31]
2) Gerretje6, baptized 10 June 1747,[32] witnesses were Frederick Bergen and Gerretje Veght;
3) Adrian6, baptized 3 May 1749;[33]
4) Frederick6, baptized 08 Dec 1751;[34]
5) Jacob6, baptized 01 Aug 1756;[35]
6) Elsje6, baptized 28 Sep 1760.[36]

Jacob, son of Jacob Bennet and Maria Crosen, was baptized in 1731,[37] too late to have married and have children of his own in 1745.  The oldest son and oldest daughter of Jacob Bergen and Margaret Bennet were named after their maternal grandparents.  The witnesses for their second daughter (in the “first” family), Gerretje6 (a somewhat unusual name) were Frederick Bergen and Gerretje Veght.[38]  Given that Jacob’s parents cannot be Jacob Bergen and Maria Croesen, then the names of next oldest children and the presence of Frederick Bergen and Gerretje Veght as witnesses strongly suggest that they were the paternal grandparents of the child baptized, Gerretje6

Jacob Bergen’s will[39] mentions his wife, Margaret, his brother, Henry (who must be the son of Frederick Bergen and Gerretje Veght[40]), his daughter, Charity, his son, Jacob, his daughter, Elsje, and others.  Though named Charity in his will, her name appears as some form of Gerretje in the baptismal records of her six children.[41]  She is clearly part of the “first” family while Jacob and Elsje are part of the “second.” 

Jacob Bergen probably did not marry Margaret Lane as his second wife.  She was not identified by Honeyman in his article on the Lane family[42] and Bergen[43] gives no source for her maiden name.  Margaret’s will[44] makes bequests to her daughters Charity and Elsje, making no distinction between them, implying they were both her children.

The correct identification of the parents of Jacob is important because Teunis Bergen attributes the following records to Jacob Bergen and his wife Maria Crosen (whom he thought sometimes went by the name of Margaret) ,[45] but were in fact for his cousin, Jacob Bergen and his wife, Margaret Bennet.

On 11 Aug 1746, Jacob Bergen and his wife, Margaret, of Richmond County, “quit claim, release &c. to Jacob Bennet and ‘Cattrenah’ his wife, of Gowanus, against all manner of actions, &c.”[46]

On 11 Oct 1746 Jacob Bergen and Margaret, his wife, convey to Peter Van Pelt and "Christopher Schass" a farm at Gowanus, and a woodlot No. 43.... being bound north-westerly by Cornelius Van Duyn... south-westerly by woodlot of Jan Bennet.”[47]

23 Apr 1751 Jacob Bergen and Margaret his wife of Staten Island sold land to Cornelius Krousen.[48]

1744 was an important year for Margaret.  She became 21[49] so likely received some settlement from her father’s estate, married Jacob about that time and probably received a settlement from the estate of her grandfather, Wouter Van Pelt, whose will[50] was probated that year.  The first record above was probably in regards to property of her father.  It may be related to the care Jacob Bennet and Catherine Woertman, her step-mother, likely gave to Margaret in her minority. The second record is probably related to the bequest of her grandfather, Wouter Van Pelt of Gowanus.  Peter Van Pelt was her brother, named in her father’s will and “Christopher Schass” was probably her uncle, Christopher Schaers, from whom she later received a bequest in his will.[51]  The last record is probably in preparation for their move to the New Brunswick area of New Jersey before the baptism of their son, Frederick, there later that year.[52]

One other probable record of Catherine is the baptismal record of Johannes, son of Johannes Bennet and Angeniejte Bennet at the DRC of Freehold and Middletown on 5 Jun 1737.[53]  The witnesses were Jacobus Bennet and Catherine Woert.  Angeniejte Bennet was the sister of Adriaen Bennet, husband of Grietje Van Pelt, as will be seen later.  Many of the names of witnesses were abbreviated, so it is likely that Catherine Woertman is the witness here.  Angeniejte was the sister-in-law of Catherine Woertman by her first husband, Adrian.   Though the other witness could be Angeniejte’s brother, he had moved to PA by 1739, possibly sooner, and is not known to have used the name Jacobus.  The other witness is probably Catherine’s second husband, Jacob Bennet, whose father or he himself used the name of Jacobus when selling the land in 1739 mentioned above.

Jacob and Catherine may have had two children together, Abraham and Anna Margaret, both baptized at the DRC of New Utrecht:
6 Aug 1738; Abraham; Jacob Romret, Catharina, s.v.; Joost Schaer, Margrieta Schaer.[54]
31 Aug 1740; Anna Margrieta; Jacob Romret, Catharine, s.v.[55]

This identification assumes several corrections to the records should be made:
1) The father’s surname should be Bennet, not Romret.  The surname, Romret, is otherwise unknown to the author in Kings Co, N.Y. about that time, but is close in form to Bennet.  The surname was noted as difficult to read in an earlier abbreviated transcription,[56] allowing for the possibility it is in error.
2) One of the witnesses at Abraham’s baptism, Joost Schaer, may actually be Stoffel Schaers. Stoffel or Christopher Schaers was the last known male of the Schaers family in Kings Co., N.Y.  His will mentions his Van Pelt cousins, but no descendants of his own or the Schaers family.[57]
3) The other witness at Abraham’s baptism, Margrieta Schaer, may actually be Margaret Bennet, daughter of Adriaen Bennet and Grietje Van Pelt. She was the step-daughter of the presumed mother in these baptismal records.  She was also the grandniece of Christopher Schaers, the other presumed witness, and was mentioned in his will. Margaret may have been living with the Bennets at the time, given the land transaction noted earlier.

Besides the need for several corrections, there are no close relatives of Jacob Bennet and Catherine Woertman with the names given these children.  Their association with this family is speculative, but they are mentioned here in hopes that further research may provide additional information.  In any case, if they were Jacob’s children, they died young as he makes no mention of having descendants in his will.

Catherine died some time before Jacob wrote his will.  However, she probably died much earlier, as it appears that Jacob married as his third wife, Charity Remsen, probably the widow of Christopher Remsen,[58] by license dated 24 Oct 1763.  His nephew, Jacob Stellingwerf, was the fellowbondsman for his marriage license.[59]

94: 210. Their granddaughter, Eleanor/Magdalena5 (Isaac4), probably married John4 Bennet (Abraham3, Adriaen2, Willem1), whose parents Ledley did not identify.  Their family will be discussed later under John’s family.

94: 210. The wife of their grandson, Isaac5 (Isaac4), was probably Madgalena/Leentje5 Bennet (Joost4, Isaac3, Adriaen2, Willem1), as identified in her family later.  Isaac married a third time as his will,[60] dated in 1786, mentions his wife, Mary, and four of his five known children, omitting Maria6 who probably died young.

94: 213.  Their grandson, Nicasies5 (Isaac4), was probably not their grandson.  As seen earlier, he was probably the son of Isaac4 Bennet (Adriaen3, Adriaen2, Willem1). 

94: 213. Their grandson, William5 (Isaac4), husband of Elizabeth Wynkoop, probably moved to Amwell, Hunterdon, N.J. where his will[61] was written 4 Apr 1806.  He names his wife Elizabeth, daughters Elizabeth6 Harrold (dec’d), Patience6 (wife of John Coffin), Polly6 (wife of Cornelius Van Horne), Sarah6 (wife of Levi Brown), Ruth6 (wife of Samuel McNair), Polly6 [sic] (wife of John Runyon), Rebecca6 Bennet, sons William6 and Gerardus6, and two grandsons.  His will was proved 13 Apr 1808.  The baptisms of Elizabeth, Sarah and Gerardus in Pa. were noted by Ledley.

95 (1964): 11. Their grandson, Richard5 (William4), had an additional son, Ryck6.  He was baptized on 25 Jan 1761.[62]

95: 11. Their granddaughter, Jannetje5 (William4), wife of Jacobus Van Sant, had four additional children, Elizabeth6 (b. 1762), Lena 6(b. 1764), John6 (b. 1769) and Mary6 (b. 1769).  Their family is listed in Barbara Barth’s “The Dorland Enigma Solved.”[63]

95: 13.  The will[64] of William4 does not mention a son named Matthias5.  It is likely that the military reference Ledley cites is in relation to his cousin, Matthew5 Bennet (Isaac4, Isaac3, Adriaen2, Willem1).

95: 13. Their grandson, John5 (William4), had another daughter, Huldah.  She was baptized on 1 Jun 1804.[65]

95: 13. Their granddaughter, Leena5, or Helena (William4), was not baptized on 15 Nov 1752.[66]  She was the wife of Thomas Craven, and was born about 1729, based on the several additional children she had not mentioned by Ledley.  Other children included in Thomas’ will[67] were William6 (b. abt. 1749), Ann6 (b. abt. 1750), Jacobus6 (b. abt. 1752), Giles6 (b. abt. 1755), Catherine6 (b. abt. 1758), Isaac6 (b. 1760), Thomas6 (b. abt. 1762), Helen6 (b. abt 1765) and Edith/Ida6 (b. abt. 1768).  The approximate birth years appear in Barbara Barth’s “The Dorland Enigma Solved”.[68]

95: 15 and 95: 16.  Their granddaughter, Charity5 (Jacob4) is likely the Geertje Bennet who married Isaac5 Bennet (Johannes4, Willem3, Willem2, Willem1), whom Ledley had not identified.

95: 15.  Jacob4 had a daughter, Agnes5, mentioned in his will.[69]  She may be his youngest daughter, baptized as Annanitje in 1755,[70] as no daughter named Annetje is mentioned.  However, she would have only been about 14 when as Agnus Bennet she married Andrew Coupland[71] in 1769.

95: 15. The wife of George4/Joost, Geertje Vliet, was tentatively identified by Ledley as the daughter of John Vleet and Griertje Wyckoff.  However, baptismal witnesses and the naming of her children suggest that she was the daughter of Jan Van Vliet and Fytje Vanderlinde, baptized on 13 Jun 1711 at Six Mile Run.[72]  Though undocumented, Susannah Vliet, wife of Garret Wynkoop, was probably her sister, being named after her paternal grandmother, Susanna Hendricks.[73]  Susanna and Geertje were witnesses for each other’s children[74] who were also named after the aunt serving as a witness.  As will be seen, both had sons named Jan/Johannes and daughters named Sophia after their maternal grandparents.

95: 15. Though undocumented, Joost and Geertje probably had three other children:

1.      95: 207. Jan5.  Ledley identifies this Jan as Johannes4 Bennet (Jacob3, Willem2, Willem1), having a second marriage to an unknown wife.  However, they were two different men, Jan being named after his maternal grandfather, Jan Van Vliet.  His children were:
a.       Maria6 (#284).  The witness for her baptism[75] was Leentje Bennet, probably her paternal aunt (see below).
b.      Jan6 (#285).  The witness for his baptism[76] was Geertje Bennet, probably his paternal grandmother.
c.       Permelia6 (#286).  The witness for her baptism[77] was Sophia Bennet, probably her paternal aunt (see below).
2.      94: 211. Leentje5.  As mentioned above, she was the witness for her niece, Maria, being named after her paternal grandmother, Magdalena Joosten.  She was the “Eleanor Bennet” who married Isaac5 Bennet (Isaac4, Isaac3, Adriaen2, Willem1), whose parents Ledley could not identify.  In the baptismal record of her daughter, Magdalena,[78] she is styled as “Leentye” with Joost Bennet as the witness, being the maternal grandfather.  She is styled as “Leentje” at the baptism of her daughter, Elizabeth.[79]
3.      95:207. Sophia5.  As mentioned above, she was the witness for her niece, Permelia, being named for her maternal grandmother, Fytje Vanderlinde.  She married Garret Dungan by license dated Mar 1761.[80]  Ledley tentatively identified her as the daughter of Isaac3 Bennet (Adrian2, Willem1) and Magdalena Joosten.

94: 40.  Isaac3 and Magdalena probably did not have a son named Johannes.  As seen below, it was their daughter Angeniejte who married a Johannes Bennet, not the other way around.  He could be the John Bennet of Kings Co., N.Y. who purchased land near New Brunswick, N.J. in 1731,[81] but he was almost certainly the same John Bennet of Brooklyn, Kings County N.Y. who bought land in Middletown, Monmouth County, N.J. from the same couple in 1727,[82] probably Jan3 Bennet (Willem2, Willem1).

94: 37, 94: 40. Isaac3 and Magdalena had a daughter named Angeniejte4, born about 1710[83].  She is placed in this family based on the naming of her children, their presumed relationship with their baptismal sponsors and the baptismal record of her niece, Angeniejte Fenton.[84]  She married Johannes4 Bennet (Willem3, Willem2, Willem1).  Ledley had identified her as Angeniejte4 Bennet (Jan3, Adriaen2, Willem1), however, as seen earlier, that Angeniejte4 married Rem Remsen.

95: 16, 95: 20 and 95: 163. The children of Angeniejte4 Bennet and Johannes Bennet were attributed to three different families by Ledley:
1)      Johannes4 Bennet (Isaac3, Adriaen2, Willem1) (#77) and Angeniejte4 Bennet (Jan3, Adriaen2, Willem1).  Their children were listed by Ledley as #195 - #202.
2)      Johannes4 Bennet (Willem3, Willem2, Willem1) (#106) and Annetje Couwenhoven. Their children were listed by Ledley as #266 – #270.
3)      William4 Bennet (Abraham3, Adriaen2, Willem1) (#84) and an unknown wife.  William did not actually exist, but was assumed based on his presumed son, William, having mentioned several nephews named William (sons of Jacob, Hendrick and Angeniejte below), in his will.[85]  Their children were listed by Ledley as #217 - #220.

95: 15, 94: 37. Ledley stated he had difficulty identifying the parents of Johannes, head of the first family above.  Though Isaac3 and Magdalena had no known son named Johannes, Ledley relied on the assumption that his oldest son and oldest daughter were named after their paternal grandparents, though he noted that the baptismal sponsors of his children were often distant cousins.  Having misidentified the parents of Angeniejte, he did not realize that she was an undocumented daughter of Isaac3 and Magdalena and that her oldest son, Isaac, and oldest daughter, Magdalena,[86] were named after their maternal grandparents.  The baptismal sponsors who were distant relatives were then close relatives.

The mother’s name, Annetje Couwenhoven, in the second family appears to be the result of two mistakes:
1)      Ledley cites a baptismal record for Arriantje of the second family above, but the parents listed are Hendrick Bennet and Jannetje Couwenhoven.[87]  No baptismal record for their daughter, Arriantje, has been found.  The next baptismal record is for Jacob, son of Johannes Bennet and Angeniejte Bennet, with a note that “Couwenhove” was crossed out and Bennet inserted.  This appears to be the source of her mistaken surname, Couwenhoven.
2)     The baptismal record of Isaac of the first family lists his mother’s name as Annemietie Bennet.[88]  This appears to be the source of her mistaken given name, Annetje.

The children of Angeniejte4 and Johannes Bennet were:
1)      95: 16. Isaac5 (#195), baptized 27 Feb 1732,[89] parents: Johannes Bennet, Annemietie Bennet; witnesses: Willem Couwenh[oven], Adraantie Bennet, his wife.  The witnesses are his paternal aunt and uncle.  Isaac was named after his maternal grandfather. 
2)      95: 20. William5 (#217), born about 1733.  He married first, Catherine Warne, by license dated 01 Jul 1760.[90]  He married second, Mary Prall, widow of Thomas Warne, on 17 Mar 1782 at the DRC of Freehold.[91]  His will[92] mentions, William, son of his brother, Hendrick, and William, son of his brother, Jacob, and William son of his brother-in-law, Walter Hyer (husband of Angeniejte, below).  William was named after his paternal grandfather.
3)      95: 163. Arriantje5 (#266), was born about 1735, not 1737.[93]  She married Teunis Amack.  Her placement in this family is based on the naming of her children, Johannes and Angeniejte, after their maternal grandparents.  They also had children named after their paternal grandparents.  Arriantje was named after her paternal grandmother.
4)      95: 16. Johannes5 (#196), baptized 5 Jun 1737,[94] parents Johannes Bennet, Agnietje Bennet, witnesses: Jacobus Bennet and Catharina Woert.  The witnesses were probably Catherine Woertman, widow of Angeniejte’s brother, Adriaen (#72) and her second husband, Jacob Bennet.  No further trace.  He did not marry a woman named Margaret.  That was John5 Bennet (Jan4, Jan3, Willem2, Willem1), who had an almost identical list of children.  See the discussion of his family later.
5)      95: 20. Jacob5 (#219), baptized 29 Dec 1739[95] (published records say 1737), parents: Johannes Bennet, Agnietie Bennet, witnesses: Cornelius Santvoort, Geertje De Hart.  Jacob married Aefje Amack and had a son named William, baptized on 6 Feb 1774.[96]
6)      95: 17. Hendrick5 (#197), baptized 16 May 1742,[97] parents Johannis Bennet, Agnietje Bennet, witnesses: Hendrick Bennit, Jannetje Couwenhove. The witnesses were his paternal uncle and aunt.  He married Neeltje Colwell by license dated 12 Jan 1762.[98]  Neeltje, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Colwell, was baptized on 25 Feb 1748 at Christ Church, Shrewsbury, N.J., being 6 ¾ years old, living at Middletown Point, N.J. at the time.[99]  Her brother, William, was baptized the same day.[100]  William Colwell and Hendrick Bennett applied for a remedy for a lost deed for land at Middletown Point sold to Thomas Colwell that had burnt in a fire at Hendrick’s home in 1786.[101] Shortly after that, Hendrick’s family moved to Mohawk, Montgomery Co., N.Y., before the 1790 census.[102]  He died at Halfmoon, Saratoga Co., N.Y. where his will[103] was written on 28 Oct 1806 and was probated in Saratoga County on 13 Oct 1806.  In it he names his children: Ada6 Lanosam, eldest daughter, John6, eldest son, Thomas6, second son, Mary6 Bell, second daughter, Elizabeth6 Schouten, third daughter, William6, fourth son, Cornelius6, fifth son, Hendrick6, Jr. (without number, but probably the third son), Peter6 (without number, but probably the sixth son).  Four of their children were baptized at the Dutch Reformed Church of Freehold.[104]  Their daughter, Annanitie6 (probably a corruption of Angenitje), is not mentioned in the will.  Their son, Johannes, did not die in 1846 in New Jersey.  That was Johannes5 Bennet (John4, probably Jacob3, Willem2, Willem1).  He was baptized 19 Jan 1766,[105] so he also was 80 when he died.
7)      95: 17. Magdalena5 (#198), baptized 17 Nov 1745,[106] parents: Johannis Bennit, Agnietje Bennit.  She was named after her maternal grandmother.
8)      95: 17, 95: 21. Angeniejte5 (# 199 & #220), baptized 03 Jul 1748,[107] parents: Johannes Bennit, Agnietje Bennet.  She did not marry James Van Brackle as she would have only been 13 when their marriage license was issued on 2 Nov 1761.[108]  That Agnes was born in Brooklyn.[109]  Angeniejte5 married Walter Hyer and had their son, William, baptized at the Reformed Dutch Church of Freehold on 25 Jun 1769.[110]
9)      95: 17. Geertje5 (#200), baptized 22 Sep 1750,[111] parents: Johannis Bennit, Agnite Bennit; witnesses: Cornelis Luyster and Ariaantje Cowenhoven, who was probably Johannes’ niece.
10)  Cornelius5 (#201), baptized 04 Jan 1756.[112]
11)  Maria5 (#202 & #270), baptized 08 Aug 1758.[113]

95: 164. Peter5 (#269) may have been their son as Ledley assumed, but given the spacing of their children above it seems doubtful.  However, a better placement has not been identified.  He did not marry Elizabeth Stout (whose maiden name only appears in the last record cited by Ledley) and the John Bennet baptized on 10 Apr 1796 was not his son.  The maiden name of the wife of Peter5 is unknown.  

Peter Bennet and Elizabeth Stout were married in Somerset Co., N.J. by license dated 12 Jul 1795.[114]  The family moved to Cayuga Co., N.Y. where four of their other children were baptized.[115]  Elizabeth Stout was probably the daughter of Thomas and Jannetje Stout, baptized 29 Mar 1772.[116]  This Peter Bennet was probably the son of John5 Bennet (Hendrick4William3, William2, Willem1) and Maria Post.[117]  If correct, four of their five known children were named after their grandparents. 

Besides Peter, of the other sixteen children in the three families outlined by Ledley, all were children of Johannes Bennet and Angeniejte Bennet, except the following:
1.      Hendrick (#218).  He was probably the son of Hendrick4 Bennet (Willem3, Willem2, Willem1) and Jannetje Couwenhoven.  His oldest son, Hendrick,[118] and his oldest daughter, Jannetje,[119] were probably named after their paternal grandparents.  His wife, Ann, was named in the will of Elsje Jewell,[120] possibly the daughter of Richard and Elsje Jewell mentioned in his will,[121] but Ann has not been placed in the Jewell family. 
2.      Agnes (#267), wife of James Van Brakle.  She was the daughter of William4 Bennet (Jacob3, Adriaen2, Willem1).  See the discussion of that family later.
3.      William (#268).  He was the son of Jan4 Bennet (Jan3, Willem2, Willem1).  See the discussion of that family later.

94: 40. Isaac3 and Magdalena did not have a daughter named Sophia4.  She was their granddaughter, Sophia5 Bennet (Joost4, Isaac3, Adriaen2, Willem1), identified earlier.

Genealogical Summary

Generation No. 3

1.  ISAAC3 BENNET (ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1676 in NY, and died Bef. 1711 in Brooklyn, NY.  He married MAGDALENA JOOSTEN, daughter of JOOST FRANSE and GEERTJE VAN NUYS.  She was born Bef. 02 Nov 1679 in near Flatbush, NY.
2.       i.    ADRIAN4 BENNET, b. Bef. 07 Aug 1698, near Brooklyn NY; d. Bef. 02 Nov 1731, Brooklyn, NY.
3.      ii.    ISAAC BENNET, b. Bef. 03 Jun 1700, near Brooklyn, NY; d. Bef. 11 Dec 1747, Northampton, Bucks, PA.
4.     iii.    WILLIAM BENNET, b. Bef. 18 Apr 1704, near Brooklyn, NY; d. Bef. 28 Mar 1775, Northampton, Bucks, PA.
5.     iv.    JACOB BENNET, b. Bef. 17 Nov 1706, near Brooklyn, NY; d. Bef. 08 Aug 1767, Northampton, Bucks, PA.
6.      v.    JOOST BENNET, b. Abt. 1708, NY.
7.     vi.    AGNES BENNET, b. Abt. 1710, NY.

Generation No. 4

2.       ADRIAN4 BENNET (ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1)1 was born Bef. 07 Aug 1698 in near Brooklyn NY, and died Bef. 02 Nov 1731 in Brooklyn, NY.  He married (1) CATHERINE WOERTMAN, daughter of TEUNIS WOERTMAN and CATHERINE SPRONG.  She was born Bef. 18 Apr 1704 in near Brooklyn, NY.  He married (2) MARGRETJE VAN PELT1, daughter of WOUTER VAN PELT and MARITJE SCHAERS.  She was born Abt. 1700 in NY1, and died Bef. 1729.

8.       i.    MARGARET5 BENNET, b. Bef. 21 Apr 1723, New Utrecht, Kings Co., NY; d. Bef. 22 Jul 1797, Rocky Hill, NJ.

3.  ISAAC4 BENNET (ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 03 Jun 1700 in near Brooklyn, NY, and died Bef. 11 Dec 1747 in Northampton, Bucks, PA.  He married ELIZABETH AERSEN, daughter of AERT AERSEN and ELIZABETH ANDRIESSE.  She was born Bef. 18 Apr 1704 in near Brooklyn, NY.
9.       i.    ARTHUR5 BENNET, b. Abt. 1726.
10.    ii.    MAGDALENA BENNET, b. Abt. 1728; d. Bef. 1753.
11.   iii.    ISAAC BENNET, b. Bef. 14 Apr 1735, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 30 Jan 1786, Northampton, Bucks, PA.
12.   iv.    JOHN BENNET, b. Bef. 14 Apr 1735, near Bensalem, PA.
13.    v.    ELIZABETH BENNET, b. Bef. 21 Apr 1737, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 1813.
14.   vi.    JOOST BENNET, b. Bef. 14 Oct 1739, near Bensalem, PA.
15.  vii.    MATTHEW BENNET, b. Bef. 27 Sep 1741, near Bensalem, PA.
      viii.    NICHOLAS BENNET, b. Bef. 22 Jan 1743/44, near Bensalem, PA.
16.   ix.    WILLIAM BENNET, b. Bef. 31 Mar 1744, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 12 Apr 1808, Amwell, Hunterdon, NJ.

4.  WILLIAM4 BENNET (ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 18 Apr 1704 in near Brooklyn, NY, and died Bef. 28 Mar 1775 in Northampton, Bucks, PA.  He married GEERTJE SUYDAM, daughter of RYCK SUYDAM and JANNETJE DORLAND.  She was born Abt. 1705 in NY, and died Bef. 04 Nov 1784 in Northampton, Bucks, PA.

17.     i.    RYCK5 BENNET, b. Abt. 1727; d. Bef. 1776.
18.    ii.    MAGDALENA BENNET, b. Abt. 1729; d. Bef. 11 Oct 1809, Moreland Township, Montgomery, PA.
19.   iii.    ISAAC BENNET, b. Abt. 1731; d. 10 Apr 1797, Bucks, PA.
20.   iv.    JANNETJE BENNET, b. Bef. 21 Oct 1733, near New Brunswick, NJ.
21.    v.    WILLIAM BENNET, b. Bef. 21 Apr 1736, near Northampton, Bucks, PA; d. 18 Jul 1810, Brooklyn, NY.
22.   vi.    IDA BENNET, b. Bef. 02 Jul 1738, near Northampton, Bucks, PA; d. 17 Apr 1794, Bucks, PA.
       vii.    ARIAEN BENNET, b. Bef. 13 Sep 1741, near Northampton, Bucks, PA.
      viii.    HENDRICK BENNET, b. Bef. 22 Jan 1743/44, near Northampton, Bucks, PA; d. Bef. 1746.
        ix.    HENDRICK BENNET, b. Bef. 06 Oct 1746, near Northampton, Bucks, PA.
23.    x.    JOHN BENNET, b. Bef. 05 Nov 1752, near Northampton, Bucks, PA; d. Abt. 1823, Northampton, Bucks, PA.

5.  JACOB4 BENNET (ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 17 Nov 1706 in near Brooklyn, NY, and died Bef. 08 Aug 1767 in Northampton, Bucks, PA.  He married MAYKE WYCKOFF 18 Aug 1732 in DRC of  Acquackanonk, NJ, daughter of SIMON WYCKOFF and GEERTJE VAN VLIET.  She was born Abt. 1713 in NJ.

24.     i.    HELEN5 BENNET, b. Abt. 1733.
25.    ii.    GEERTJE BENNET, b. Abt. 1735; d. Aft. 1766.
        iii.    JACOB BENNET, b. Bef. 17 Jan 1738/39, Near Northampton, Bucks Co., PA; d. Bef. 1750.
26.   iv.    SIMON BENNET, b. Bef. 05 Apr 1741, Near Northampton, Bucks Co., PA.
         v.    ISAAC BENNET, b. Bef. 22 Jan 1743/44, Near Northampton, Bucks Co., PA; d. Bef. 1768.
27.   vi.    JACOB BENNET, b. Bef. 29 Jul 1750, Near Northampton, Bucks Co., PA.
28.  vii.    MAYKE BENNET, b. Bef. 22 Apr 1753, Near Northampton, Bucks Co., PA.
      viii.    ANNANITJE BENNET, b. Bef. 25 May 1755, Near Northampton, Bucks Co., PA.

6.  JOOST4 BENNET (ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1708 in NY.  He married GEERTJE VAN VLIET, daughter of JAN VAN VLIET and FYTJE VANDERLINDE.  She was born Bef. 13 Jun 1711 in near Six Mile Run, NJ.

29.     i.    JAN5 BENNET, b. Abt. 1733.
30.    ii.    LEENTJE BENNET, b. Abt. 1735.
31.   iii.    SOPHIA BENNET, b. Abt. 1737.
        iv.    SUSANNA BENNET, b. Bef. 09 Jun 1745, near Bensalem, PA.
         v.    ADRIAN BENNET, b. Bef. 31 Aug 1749, near Bensalem, PA.
        vi.    AGNES BENNET, b. Bef. 16 Jun 1751, near Bensalem, PA.
       vii.    GEERTJE BENNET, b. Bef. 22 Apr 1753, near Bensalem, PA.
      viii.    JOOST BENNET, b. Bef. 22 Apr 1753, near Bensalem, PA.

7.  AGNES4 BENNET (ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1710 in NY.  She married JOHANNES BENNET, son of WILLIAM BENNET and ARRIANTJE VANDEWATER.  He was born Bef. 25 Aug 1703 in near NYC, NY.
32.     i.    ISAAC5 BENNET, b. Bef. 27 Feb 1731/32, near Freehold, NJ.
33.    ii.    WILLIAM BENNET, b. Abt. 1733, NJ; d. Bef. 21 Oct 1790, South Ward, Perth Amboy, NJ.
34.   iii.    ARRIANTJE BENNET, b. Abt. 1735, NJ.
        iv.    JOHANNIS BENNET, b. Bef. 05 Jun 1737, near Freehold, NJ.
35.    v.    JACOB BENNET, b. Bef. 29 Dec 1739, near Freehold, NJ; d. Bef. 24 Apr 1811, Middletown, NJ.
36.   vi.    HENDRICK BENNET, b. Bef. 16 May 1742, near Freehold, NJ; d. Bef. 19 Oct 1806, Halfmoon, Saratoga, NY.
       vii.    MAGDALENA BENNET, b. Bef. 17 Nov 1745, near Freehold, NJ.
37. viii.    AGNES BENNET, b. Bef. 03 Jul 1748, near Freehold, NJ.
        ix.    GEERTJE BENNET, b. Bef. 22 Sep 1750, near Freehold, NJ.
         x.    CORNELIUS BENNET, b. Bef. 04 Jan 1756, near Freehold, NJ.
        xi.    MARIA BENNET, b. Bef. 08 Aug 1758, near Freehold, NJ.

Generation No. 5

8.  MARGARET5 BENNET (ADRIAN4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 21 Apr 1723 in New Utrecht, Kings Co., NY, and died Bef. 22 Jul 1797 in Rocky Hill, NJ.  She married JACOB BERGEN, son of FREDERICK BERGEN and GERRETJE VEGHTE.  He was born Bef. 19 Jul 1719 in near Brooklyn, NY, and died Bef. 05 Mar 1781 in Rocky Hill, NJ.

          i.    GRIETJE6 BERGEN, b. Bef. 06 May 1745, near Staten Island, NY.
38.    ii.    GERRETJE BERGEN, b. Bef. 10 Jun 1747, near Staten Island, NY.
        iii.    ADRIAN BERGEN, b. Bef. 03 May 1749, near Staten Island, NY.
        iv.    FREDERICK BERGEN, b. Bef. 08 Dec 1751, near Six Mile Run, NJ.
         v.    JACOB BERGEN, b. Bef. 01 Aug 1756, near Six Mile Run, NJ; m. TEUNTJE VAN DYCK, daughter of MATTHEW VAN DYCK and NEELTJE LANE.  He died before 20 Dec 1782 when administration of his estate was given to John Van Dyck.
        vi.    ELSJE BERGEN, b. Bef. 28 Sep 1760, near Six Mile Run, NJ.

          i.    ELIZABETH6 BENNET, b. Bef. 15 Mar 1758, near Bensalem, PA.
39.    ii.    JOHANNES BENNET, b. Bef. 04 Mar 1759, near Bensalem, PA; d. Aft. 1822.
        iii.    RACHEL BENNET, b. Bef. 21 Sep 1760, near Bensalem, PA.
        iv.    ISAAC BENNET, b. Bef. 17 Jan 1762, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 1764.
40.    v.    JOSEPH BENNET, b. Bef. 01 Apr 1763, near Bensalem, PA.
        vi.    ISAAC BENNET, b. Bef. 11 Jun 1764, near Bensalem, PA.
       vii.    HELEN BENNET, b. Bef. 09 Nov 1766, near Bensalem, PA.
      viii.    GERRIT BENNET, b. Bef. 24 Feb 1768, near Bensalem, PA.
        ix.    ANNETJE BENNET, b. Bef. 29 Oct 1769, near Bensalem, PA.
         x.    FEMMETJE BENNET, b. Bef. 14 Apr 1771, near Bensalem, PA.
        xi.    AERT BENNET, b. Bef. 14 Feb 1773, near Bensalem, PA.
       xii.    SUSANNA BENNET, b. Bef. 12 Feb 1775, near Bensalem, PA.

10.  MAGDALENA5 BENNET (ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1728, and died Bef. 1753.  She married JOHN BENNET 11 Dec 1746 in PA, son of ABRAHAM BENNET and JANNETJE VAN NOSTRAND.  He was born Bef. 25 Mar 1718 in near New Brunswick, NJ.
          i.    JANNETJE6 BENNET, b. Bef. 25 Sep 1748, PA.
         ii.    ISAAC BENNET, b. Abt. 1750, PA.

11.  ISAAC5 BENNET (ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 14 Apr 1735 in near Bensalem, PA, and died Bef. 30 Jan 1786 in Northampton, Bucks, PA.  He married (1) MARY UNKNOWN.    He married (2) LEENTJE BENNET 27 Jul 1752 in PA2, daughter of JOOST BENNET and GEERTJE VAN VLIET.  She was born Abt. 1735.

         ii.    MAGDALENA6 BENNET, b. Bef. 25 Dec 1752, near Bensalem, PA; m. JOSEPH AKE, 11 Mar 1772, DRC of Churchville, PA.
        iii.    ELIZABETH BENNET, b. Bef. 08 Dec 1771, near Bensalem, PA.
        iv.    MARIA BENNET, b. Bef. 08 Dec 1780, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 1786.
         v.    ISAAC BENNET, b. Bef. 12 Feb 1781, near Bensalem, PA; m. MARY CORSEN.
        vi.    WILLIAM BENNET, b. Bef. 19 Jan 1783, near Bensalem, PA.

12.  JOHN5 BENNET (ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 14 Apr 1735 in near Bensalem, PA.  He married ANN JONES 23 Dec 1761 in DRC of Churchville, PA2, daughter of UNKNOWN JONES
Children of JOHN BENNET and ANN JONES are:
41.     i.    ISAAC6 BENNET, b. 17 Nov 1762.
42.    ii.    BENJAMIN BENNET, b. Bef. 24 Nov 1764, near Churchville, PA; d. 08 Oct 1840, Monmouth, NJ.
        iii.    JOHANNES BENNET, b. Bef. 22 Mar 1767, near Churchville, PA.
        iv.    LOTT BENNET, b. Bef. 04 May 1769, near Churchville, PA; m. MARY CARRELL.
         v.    CATHERINE BENNET, b. Bef. 23 Aug 1772, near Churchville, PA; m. SAMUEL MILES.
        vi.    ELIZABETH BENNET, b. Bef. 14 Jun 1775, near Churchville, PA; m. ISAAC HICKS.
       vii.    JOSHUA BENNET, b. Bef. 14 Jun 1778, near Churchville, PA; m. CATHERINE GREEN, 25 Nov 1802, Monmouth, NJ.
      viii.    MARY BENNET, b. Bef. 22 Oct 1780, near Churchville, PA.
        ix.    JOHN BENNET, b. Bef. 23 May 1784, near Churchville, PA.

13.  ELIZABETH5 BENNET (ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 21 Apr 1737 in near Bensalem, PA, and died Bef. 1813.  She married GERARD WYNKOOP 12 May 1757 in DRC of Churchville, PA, son of GERRIT WYNKOOP and SUSANNAH VAN VLIET.  He was born Bef. 30 Sep 1732 in near Bensalem, PA, and died Bef. 30 Jun 1812 in Northampton, Bucks, PA.
          i.    ISAAC6 WYNKOOP, b. Bef. 05 Mar 1758, near Bensalem, PA.
         ii.    JOHANNES WYNKOOP, b. Bef. 25 Dec 1759, near Bensalem, PA.
        iii.    SUSANNA WYNKOOP, b. Bef. 27 Sep 1761, near Bensalem, PA; m. DAVID WILEY.
43.   iv.    GARRET WYNKOOP, b. Bef. 29 Jul 1764, near Bensalem, PA.
         v.    MATTHIAS WYNKOOP, b. Bef. 11 May 1766, near Bensalem, PA.
        vi.    DAVID WYNKOOP, b. Bef. 08 May 1768, near Bensalem, PA.
       vii.    ELIZABETH WYNKOOP, b. Bef. 17 Apr 1771, near Bensalem, PA; m. STEPHEN ROSE.
      viii.    ADRIAN WYNKOOP, b. Bef. 07 Aug 1773, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 1812.
        ix.    WILLIAM WYNKOOP, b. Bef. 10 Mar 1776, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 1779.
         x.    WILLIAM WYNKOOP, b. Bef. 02 Aug 1778, near Bensalem, PA; d. Abt. 1783.
        xi.    WILLIAM WYNKOOP, b. Bef. 19 Nov 1782, near Bensalem, PA.

14.  JOOST5 BENNET (ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 14 Oct 1739 in near Bensalem, PA.  He married CHARITY BURROWS, daughter of STEPHEN BURROWS and MARY MOORE.  She was born 1744 in Hopewell, NJ.
          i.    GERSHOM6 BENNET, b. 1762; m. FANNY BISHOP.
         ii.    MARY BENNET, b. Abt. 1764, PA.
        iii.    ELIZABETH BENNET, b. Bef. 21 Dec 1766, near Bensalem, PA; m. HENRY SEBRING; b. 1764; d. 1855.
        iv.    JOHN BENNET, b. Abt. 1768, PA; m. MARY MORGAN.
         v.    ANNA BENNET, b. Bef. 12 Mar 1769, near Bensalem, PA; m. JOSEPH HUTCHINSON.
        vi.    SARAH BENNET, b. Bef. 01 Jan 1771, near Bensalem, PA; m. ISAAC HUTCHINSON.
       vii.    CHARITY BENNET, b. Bef. 25 Oct 1772, near Bensalem, PA.
      viii.    ISAAC BENNET, b. 1775, PA.
        ix.    HANNA BENNET, b. 1777, PA.
         x.    MERCY BENNET, b. 1780, PA.
        xi.    STEPHEN BENNET, b. 1782, PA.
       xii.    GEORGE BENNET, b. 1789, PA.

15.  MATTHEW5 BENNET (ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 27 Sep 1741 in near Bensalem, PA.  He married SARAH SCATTERGOOD 06 Mar 1770 in Presbyterian Church, Newtown, PA2
          i.    ELIZABETH6 BENNET, b. Bef. 18 May 1771, near Bensalem, PA.

16.  WILLIAM5 BENNET (ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 31 Mar 1744 in near Bensalem, PA, and died Bef. 12 Apr 1808 in Amwell, Hunterdon, NJ.  He married ELIZABETH WYNKOOP

44.     i.    ELIZABETH6 BENNET, b. Bef. 10 Jan 1768, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 1807.
45.    ii.    SARAH BENNET, b. Bef. 01 Jul 1770, near Bensalem, PA.
        iii.    GERARD BENNET, b. Bef. 31 May 1772, near Bensalem, PA.
46.   iv.    PATIENCE BENNET, b. Bef. 1790.
47.    v.    POLLY BENNET, b. Bef. 1790.
        vi.    POLLY BENNET, b. Bef. 1790; m. JOHN RUNYON.
48.  vii.    RUTH BENNET, b. Bef. 1790.
      viii.    WILLIAM BENNET, b. Bef. 1790.
        ix.    REBECCA BENNET, b. Abt. 1792.

17.  RYCK5 BENNET (WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1727, and died Bef. 1776.  He married JANNETJE VANDERBILT, daughter of UNKNOWN VANDERBILT.  She was born Bef. 1734.

          i.    WILLIAM6 BENNET, b. Bef. 31 Aug 1749, near Northampton, Bucks, PA.
49.    ii.    CHARITY BENNET, b. Bef. 29 Jul 1750, near Northampton, Bucks, PA; d. Northampton Twp., Bucks, PA.
        iii.    RYCK BENNET, b. Bef. 25 Jan 1761, near Bensalem, PA.

18.  MAGDALENA5 BENNET (WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1729, and died Bef. 11 Oct 1809 in Moreland Township, Montgomery, PA.  She married THOMAS CRAVEN, son of JACOBUS CRAVEN and ANNETJE INYART.  He was born Abt. 1716 in NY, and died Bef. 05 Aug 1799 in Warmister Twp., Bucks, PA.

50.     i.    WILLIAM6 CRAVEN, b. 04 Apr 1749, PA; d. Bef. 02 Jan 1820, Warminster Twp., Bucks, PA.
51.    ii.    ANNA CRAVEN, b. Abt. 1750, PA.
52.   iii.    JACOBUS CRAVEN, b. Abt. 1752, PA; d. Bef. 03 Mar 1824, Warminster Twp., Bucks, PA.
53.   iv.    GILES CRAVEN, b. Abt. 1755, PA; d. Bef. 29 Dec 1809, Northampton, Bucks, PA.
         v.    THOMAS CRAVEN, b. Abt. 1756, PA.
        vi.    CATHERINE CRAVEN, b. Abt. 1758, PA; d. 28 Jun 1811, Northampton, Bucks, PA; m. GARRET KROESEN; b. Bef. 07 Oct 1759, near Churchville, PA; d. Northampton, Bucks, PA.
54.  vii.    ISAAC CRAVEN, b. Abt. 1760, PA; d. 1835, Bucks, PA.
55. viii.    HELEN CRAVEN, b. Abt. 1766, PA; d. 21 Apr 1838.
        ix.    IDA CRAVEN, b. Abt. 1768, PA.
56.    x.    CHRISTINA CRAVEN, b. Bef. 08 Nov 1772, near Bensalem, PA.

19.  ISAAC5 BENNET (WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1731, and died 10 Apr 1797 in Bucks, PA.  He married MARGARET VAN DYCK 27 Sep 1754 in DRC of Churchville, PA, daughter of MATHIAS VAN DYCK and AGNES VAN BRUNT.  She was born Abt. 1732 in NY, and died 24 Dec 1816 in Bucks, PA.
          i.    GEERTJE6 BENNET, b. Bef. 25 May 1755, near Bensalem, PA.
57.    ii.    AGNES BENNET, b. Bef. 19 Dec 1756, near Bensalem, PA.
        iii.    HELEN BENNET, b. Bef. 12 Nov 1758, near Bensalem, PA.
        iv.    MARIA BENNET, b. Bef. 25 Dec 1760, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 1768.
58.    v.    WILLIAM BENNET, b. Bef. 14 Feb 1762, near Bensalem, PA; d. 14 Mar 1827, Bucks, PA.
59.   vi.    MATTHEW BENNET, b. Bef. 21 Apr 1764, near Bensalem, PA; d. 26 Aug 1826, Bucks, PA.
       vii.    ISAAC BENNET, b. Bef. 24 Aug 1766, near Bensalem, PA; m. JANE CORSEN.
      viii.    MARIA BENNET, b. Bef. 25 Dec 1768, near Bensalem, PA; m. JOHN WILLIAMSON.
        ix.    JANNETJE BENNET, b. Bef. 21 Jul 1771, near Bensalem, PA; m. WILLIAM VAN ZANT.
         x.    JAN BENNET, b. Bef. 07 Aug 1773, near Bensalem, PA.
        xi.    MARGARET BENNET, b. Bef. 29 Dec 1776, near Bensalem, PA.

20.  JANNETJE5 BENNET (WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 21 Oct 1733 in near New Brunswick, NJ.  She married JACOBUS VAN SANT 09 Sep 1756 in DRC of Churchville, PA, son of HARMEN VAN SANT and ELSJE CRAVEN.  He was born 1727, and died 31 Jan 1798 in Northampton, Bucks, PA.
          i.    HARMEN6 VAN SANT, b. Bef. 03 Jul 1757, near Bensalem, PA.
         ii.    GEERTJE VAN SANT, b. Bef. 29 Oct 1758, near Bensalem, PA; m. UNKNOWN KROESEN.
        iii.    WILLIAM VAN SANT, b. Bef. 16 Mar 1760, near Bensalem, PA.
        iv.    ELSJE VAN SANT, b. Bef. 11 Oct 1761, near Bensalem, PA; m. UNKNOWN KROESEN.
60.    v.    ELIZABETH VAN SANT, b. 1762, PA; d. 07 Mar 1831, Northampton, Bucks, PA.
        vi.    LENA VAN SANT, b. 1764, PA; m. UNKOWN BROWN.
61.  vii.    CHARLES VAN SANT, b. Bef. 03 Nov 1765, near Bensalem, PA; d. 25 Nov 1845, Bucks, PA.
      viii.    RYCK VAN SANT, b. Bef. 14 Dec 1766, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 1786.
62.   ix.    ISAAC VAN SANT, b. Bef. 05 Jun 1768, near Bensalem, PA.
         x.    MARIA VAN SANT, b. Bef. 17 Dec 1769, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 1776.
        xi.    JACOBUS VAN SANT, b. Bef. 16 Dec 1770, near Bensalem, PA.
       xii.    ADRIAN VAN SANT, b. Bef. 15 Nov 1772, near Bensalem, PA.
      xiii.    MARIA VAN SANT, b. Bef. 02 Jul 1775, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 1781.
      xiv.    MARIA VAN SANT, b. Bef. 26 Nov 1780, near Bensalem, PA.
63.  xv.    JOHN VAN SANT, b. Bef. 17 Dec 1769, near Bensalem, PA.

21.  WILLIAM5 BENNET (WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 21 Apr 1736 in near Northampton, Bucks, PA, and died 18 Jul 1810 in Brooklyn, NY.  He married MARY VANDEVENTER 20 Nov 1758 in NY4, daughter of BARENT VANDEVENTER and GEERTJE SUYDAM.  She was born 05 Apr 1737 in near New Utrecht, NY, and died 07 May 1819 in Brooklyn, NY.

                   i.    BARENT6 BENNET, b. 28 Nov 1759, near Bensalem, PA; d. 15 Sep 1822, Brooklyn, NY; m. CHARITY STRYKER; d. 20 Nov 1852, Brooklyn, NY.

22.  IDA5 BENNET (WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 02 Jul 1738 in near Northampton, Bucks, PA, and died 17 Apr 1794 in Bucks, PA.  She married DERRICK HOOGLAND 12 Jan 1769 in DRC of Churchville, PA, son of DIRCK HOOGLAND and MARY SLOT.  He was born Bef. 01 Jun 1740 in near Bensalem, PA, and died 06 Feb 1811 in Bucks, PA.
          i.    MARIA6 HOOGLAND, b. Bef. 28 Jan 1770, near Bensalem, PA.
         ii.    GEERTJE HOOGLAND, b. Bef. 14 Jun 1772, near Bensalem, PA.
        iii.    ELIZABETH HOOGLAND, b. Bef. 10 Mar 1776, near Bensalem, PA.
        iv.    NEELTJE HOOGLAND, b. 24 Dec 1781, near Bensalem, PA; d. 20 Aug 1868, Bucks, PA; m. GARRET BARCALOW; b. 20 Feb 1780; d. 12 Oct 1861, Bucks, PA.

23.  JOHN5 BENNET (WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 05 Nov 1752 in near Northampton, Bucks, PA, and died Abt. 1823 in Northampton, Bucks, PA.  He married HULDA DENHAM.  She died 21 Jun 1827 in Bucks, PA.
Children of JOHN BENNET and HULDA DENHAM are:
          i.    WILLIAM6 BENNET, b. 1794.
         ii.    GULIAM BENNET, b. 1796.
        iii.    JOHN BENNET, b. 1798.
        iv.    ISAAC BENNET, b. 1800.
         v.    ASHER DUNHAM BENNET, b. 1802.
        vi.    HULDA BENNET, b. 1804.
       vii.    GERTRUDE BENNET, b. 1805.
      viii.    ELLEN MARIE BENNET, b. 1808.

24.  HELEN5 BENNET (JACOB4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1733.  She married PHILLIP REMSEN, son of JORIS REMSEN and JANNETJE NAGEL.  He was born Bef. 28 Nov 1731 in near New Utrecht, Kiings, NY.

                   i.    GEORGE6 RAMSON, b. Bef. 15 Oct 1752, near Northampton, Bucks, PA; m. JANE VAN ZANT, 01 Jul 1775, Bucks, PA5; b. Abt. 1755.
         ii.    MAYKE REMSEN, b. Bef. 21 Apr 1754, near Northampton, Bucks, PA.
        iii.    PHILIP REMSEN, b. Bef. 22 Feb 1756, near Northampton, Bucks, PA.
        iv.    JACOB REMSEN, b. Bef. 26 Oct 1760, near Northampton, Bucks, PA.

25.  GEERTJE5 BENNET (JACOB4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1735, and died Aft. 1766.  She married ISAAC BENNET, son of JOHANNES BENNET and AGNES BENNET.  He was born Bef. 27 Feb 1731/32 in near Freehold, NJ.
          i.    JOHANNES6 BENNET, b. Bef. 13 Mar 1757, near Freehold, NJ.

26.  SIMON5 BENNET (JACOB4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 05 Apr 1741 in Near Northampton, Bucks Co., PA.  He married CLARE SACKETT 21 Dec 1763 in DRC of Churchville, PA, daughter of JOSEPH SACKETT and SARAH VAN ZANT.  She was born Abt. 1747.
          i.    JACOB6 BENNET, b. Bef. 12 Apr 1767, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 1769.
         ii.    JACOB BENNET, b. Bef. 02 Apr 1768, near Bensalem, PA.
        iii.    SIMON BENNET, b. Bef. 02 Apr 1768, near Bensalem, PA.
        iv.    SARAH BENNET, b. Bef. 29 Sep 1771, near Bensalem, PA.

27.  JACOB5 BENNET (JACOB4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 29 Jul 1750 in Near Northampton, Bucks Co., PA.  He married ANNETJE HOOGLAND, daughter of DIRCK HOOGLAND and MARY SLOT.  She was born Bef. 07 Jun 1748 in near Churchville, PA.

          i.    JACOB6 BENNET, b. Bef. 06 May 1770, near Bensalem, PA.
         ii.    DIRCK BENNET, b. Bef. 05 Apr 1772, near Bensalem, PA.
        iii.    MARIA BENNET, b. Bef. 01 Aug 1774, near Bensalem, PA.
        iv.    ANNETJE BENNET, b. Bef. 08 Dec 1776, near Bensalem, PA.
         v.    SIMON BENNET, b. Bef. 29 Mar 1779, near Bensalem, PA.
        vi.    CATHERINE BENNET, b. Bef. 30 Mar 1783, near Bensalem, PA.
       vii.    GEORGE WASHINGTON BENNET, b. Bef. 09 Feb 1785, near Bensalem, PA.

28.  MAYKE5 BENNET (JACOB4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 22 Apr 1753 in Near Northampton, Bucks Co., PA.  She married ANDRIES MEYER
          i.    JOHANNES6 MEYER, b. Bef. 04 Feb 1770, near Churchville, PA.
         ii.    MAYKE MEYER, b. Bef. 02 Aug 1772, near Churchville, PA.


Children of JAN BENNET and UNKNOWN are:
64.     i.    MARIA6 BENNET, b. Bef. 16 Jan 1757, near Churchville, PA.
         ii.    JAN BENNET, b. Bef. 04 Mar 1759, near Bensalem, PA.
                 iii.    PERMELIA BENNET, b. Bef. 26 Oct 1760, near Bensalem, PA; m. PETER ROBERTS, 27 Sep 1787, St. Paul's, Philadelphia, PA.

30.  LEENTJE5 BENNET (JOOST4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1735.  She married ISAAC BENNET 27 Jul 1752 in PA6, son of ISAAC BENNET and ELIZABETH AERSEN.  He was born Bef. 14 Apr 1735 in near Bensalem, PA, and died Bef. 30 Jan 1786 in Northampton, Bucks, PA.
Children are listed above under (11) Isaac Bennet.

          i.    UNKNOWN6 DUNGAN, b. Abt. 1764.
         ii.    DAVID DUNGAN, b. Abt. 1762.
        iii.    CHARITY DUNGAN, b. Abt. 1770.
        iv.    ELIZABETH DUNGAN.
         v.    RACHEL DUNGAN.

32.  ISAAC5 BENNET (AGNES4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 27 Feb 1731/32 in near Freehold, NJ.  He married GEERTJE BENNET, daughter of JACOB BENNET and MAYKE WYCKOFF.  She was born Abt. 1735, and died Aft. 1766.
Child is listed above under (25) Geertje Bennet.

33.  WILLIAM5 BENNET (AGNES4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1733 in NJ, and died Bef. 21 Oct 1790 in South Ward, Perth Amboy, NJ.  He married (1) CATHERINE WARNE 01 Jul 1760 in South Amboy, NJ6, daughter of JOSHUA WARNE and ELIZABETH THROCKMORTON.  She was born Abt. 1742.  He married (2) MARY PRALL 17 Mar 1782 in DRC of Freehold, NJ, daughter of ISAAC PRALL and MARIA DUBOIS.  She was born Abt. 1740 in NY.
          i.    WILLIAM6 BENNET, b. Abt. 1783, NJ.

34.  ARRIANTJE5 BENNET (AGNES4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1735 in NJ.  She married TEUNIS AMACK, son of TEUNIS AMACK and HELEN LANE.  He was born 20 Mar 1730/31 in NJ.
          i.    TEUNIS6 AMACK, b. Bef. 04 May 1758, near Freehold, NJ.
         ii.    JOHANNES AMACK, b. Bef. 27 Jan 1760, near Freehold, NJ.
        iii.    JANNETJE AMACK, b. Bef. 28 Mar 1762, near Freehold, NJ.
        iv.    AGNES AMACK, b. Bef. 30 Apr 1764, near Freehold, NJ.
         v.    HELEN AMACK, b. Bef. 05 Apr 1767, near Freehold, NJ.
        vi.    GEERTJE AMACK, b. Bef. 23 Jul 1769, near Freehold, NJ.
       vii.    STEPHEN AMACK, b. Bef. 08 Nov 1772, near Freehold, NJ.

35.  JACOB5 BENNET (AGNES4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 29 Dec 1739 in near Freehold, NJ, and died Bef. 24 Apr 1811 in Middletown, NJ.  He married AEFJE AMACK 10 Aug 1764 in Middletown, Monmouth, NJ6, daughter of TEUNIS AMACK and HELEN LANE.  She was born Bef. 17 Aug 1735 in near Freehold, NJ, and died Aft. 1810.
Children of JACOB BENNET and AEFJE AMACK are:
          i.    DANIEL6 BENNET, b. Abt. 1764; d. 21 May 1850, Morrisville, Monmouth, NJ; m. UNKNOWN.
         ii.    JOHANNES BENNET, b. Bef. 17 Mar 1765, near Freehold, Monmouth Co., NJ.
        iii.    TEUNIS BENNET, b. Bef. 19 Jul 1767, near Freehold, Monmouth Co., NJ.
        iv.    WILLIAM BENNET, b. Bef. 06 Feb 1774, near Freehold, Monmouth Co., NJ.

36.  HENDRICK5 BENNET (AGNES4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 16 May 1742 in near Freehold, NJ, and died Bef. 19 Oct 1806 in Halfmoon, Saratoga, NY.  He married NEELTJE COLWELL 12 Jan 1762 in Middletown, NJ8, daughter of THOMAS COLWELL and ELIZABETH UNKNOWN.  She was born Abt. May 1741 in near Middletown Point, Monmouth, NJ, and died Bet. 1800 - 1806 in Halfmoon Saratoga, NY.

65.     i.    IDA6 BENNET, b. Bef. 27 Feb 1763, near Freehold, Monmouth Co., NJ; d. 11 Sep 1837, Randall, Montgomery, NY.
         ii.    ANNANITIE BENNET, b. Bef. 17 Feb 1765, near Freehold, Monmouth Co., NJ; d. Bef. 1806.
        iii.    JOHANNES BENNET, b. Bef. 26 Apr 1767, near Freehold, Monmouth Co., NJ; d. Aft. 1805.
        iv.    THOMAS BENNET, b. 1769, NJ; d. Aft. 1805.
66.    v.    MARY BENNET, b. 28 Sep 1771, NJ; d. 28 Nov 1836, Burtonsville, NY.
        vi.    HENDRICK BENNET, b. Bef. 03 Apr 1774, near Freehold, Monmouth Co., NJ; d. Aft. 1805.
67.  vii.    ELIZABETH BENNET, b. 1775, NJ; d. Bef. 1842.
68. viii.    WILLIAM BENNET, b. 1779, NJ; d. 1858.
69.   ix.    CORNELIUS BENNET, b. 1782, NJ; d. Bef. 12 Dec 1828, Charleston, NY.
         x.    PETER BENNET, b. 1782, NJ.

37.  AGNES5 BENNET (AGNES4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 03 Jul 1748 in near Freehold, NJ.  She married WALTER HYER, son of WILLIAM HYER and MARIA VAN DE RYP
Children of AGNES BENNET and WALTER HYER are:
          i.    WILLIAM6 HYER, b. Bef. 25 Jun 1769, near Freehold, Monmouth Co., NJ; m. MARGARET HILL.
70.    ii.    MARY HYER, b. 18 Dec 1768; d. 25 May 1855, Monmouth, NJ.
        iii.    ALEXANDER HYER, b. Abt. 1773, NJ; d. 01 Oct 1843, NJ.
        iv.    JOHN W. HYER, b. 07 Mar 1776, NJ; d. 15 Sep 1850, NJ; m. ALICE MAPS.
         v.    HENDRICK W. HYER, b. Abt. 1779, NJ.

Generation No. 6

          i.    JACOB7 QUICK, b. Bef. 28 Jun 1772, near Six Mile Run, NJ.
         ii.    ABRAHAM QUICK, b. Bef. 10 Apr 1774, near Six Mile Run, NJ.
        iii.    MARGARET QUICK, b. Bef. 30 Jun 1776, near Six Mile Run, NJ; m. HENRY BLACKWELL.
        iv.    ANN QUICK, b. Bef. 07 Jun 1778, near Six Mile Run, NJ.
         v.    JOHANNES QUICK, b. Bef. 05 Mar 1780, near Six Mile Run, NJ.
        vi.    PETER QUICK, b. Bef. 04 Aug 1782, near Six Mile Run, NJ.
       vii.    ELSJE QUICK, b. Bef. 16 Jan 1785, near Six Mile Run, NJ; d. Bef. 1788.
      viii.    ELSJE QUICK, b. Bef. 01 Jan 1788, near Six Mile Run, NJ.

39.  JOHANNES6 BENNET (ARTHUR5, ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 04 Mar 1759 in near Bensalem, PA, and died Aft. 1822.  He married SARAH STRICKLAND, daughter of MILES STRICKLAND.  She was born 1761.
          i.    MILES7 BENNET, b. 1783.
         ii.    ARTHUR BENNET, b. 1786.
        iii.    MATTHEW BENNET, b. 1797.
        iv.    STRICKLAND BENNET, b. 1799.
         v.    AMOS BENNET, b. 1789.
        vi.    JOSEPH BENNET, b. 1791.
       vii.    PHEBE BENNET, b. 1793.
      viii.    MARY BENNET, b. 1801.

40.  JOSEPH6 BENNET (ARTHUR5, ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 01 Apr 1763 in near Bensalem, PA.  He married CATHERINE BECKER 02 Feb 1790 in First Reformed Church, Philadelphia, PA. 
          i.    JOHN7 BENNET, b. 26 Dec 1790, near Philadelphia, PA.
         ii.    PHILIP BENNET, b. 18 Sep 1792, near Philadelphia, PA.
        iii.    REBECCA BENNET, b. 21 Nov 1797, near Philadelphia, PA.

41.  ISAAC6 BENNET (JOHN5, ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born 17 Nov 1762.  He married IDA LEFFERTS, daughter of LEFFERT LEFFERTS and ANNETJE VANDERBILT.  She was born Abt. 1741 in PA.
          i.    ANTJE7 BENNETT, b. 1786.

42.  BENJAMIN6 BENNET (JOHN5, ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 24 Nov 1764 in near Churchville, PA, and died 08 Oct 1840 in Monmouth, NJ.  He married RACHEL WATTS, daughter of JOHN WATTS and RACHEL UNKNOWN.  She was born Abt. 1764 in PA, and died 19 May 1852 in Keyport, Monmouth, NJ.
          i.    AUGUSTUS7 BENNET, b. 1793, NJ.
         ii.    ANNA ELIZA BENNET, b. 1795, NJ.
        iii.    LOUISA MARIA BENNET, b. 1800, NJ.
        iv.    WILLIAM WARREN BENNET, b. Bet. 1790 - 1800, NJ.

          i.    JAMES7 WYNKOOP, d. Bef. 1812; m. CATHERINE.

44.  ELIZABETH6 BENNET (WILLIAM5, ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 10 Jan 1768 in near Bensalem, PA, and died Bef. 1807.  She married UNKNOWN HARROLD
          i.    SAMUEL7 HARROLD.

45.  SARAH6 BENNET (WILLIAM5, ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 01 Jul 1770 in near Bensalem, PA.  She married LEVI BROWN.  He was born Abt. 1765 in Bucks, PA.
          i.    STACY7 BROWN, b. 1796, PA.

          i.    WILLIAM7 ADAMS.

47.  POLLY6 BENNET (WILLIAM5, ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 1790.  She married CORNELIUS VAN HORN, son of JOHANNES VAN HORN and CATHERINE NEVIUS.  He was born Abt. 1766, and died Bef. 16 Feb 1814 in Buckingham Twp, Bucks, PA.
          i.    JOSEPH7 VAN HORN.
         ii.    WILLIAM VAN HORN.
        iii.    CATHERINE VAN HORN.
        iv.    MARY VAN HORN.

48.  RUTH6 BENNET (WILLIAM5, ISAAC4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 1790.  She married SAMUEL MCNAIR.  He was born 1779, and died in Solebury, Bucks, PA.
Children of RUTH BENNET and SAMUEL MCNAIR are:
          i.    SARAH7 MCNAIR.
         ii.    WILLIAM MCNAIR.
        iii.    ELIZABETH MCNAIR.
        iv.    RUTH MCNAIR.
         v.    ISAAC MCNAIR.
        vi.    MARTHA MCNAIR.
       vii.    JAMES MCNAIR.

49.  CHARITY6 BENNET (RYCK5, WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 29 Jul 1750 in near Northampton, Bucks, PA, and died in Northampton Twp., Bucks, PA.  She married JOOST VAN PELT 12 Nov 1766 in Bucks Co., PA, son of JOHANNES VAN PELT and CORNELIA SLEGHT.  He was born Bef. 11 Dec 1742 in Northampton Twp., Bucks, PA.
          i.    CORNELIA7 VAN PELT, b. Bef. 04 Oct 1767, near Bensalem, PA.
         ii.    RYK VAN PELT, b. Bef. 09 Jul 1769, Southampton, Bucks, PA.
        iii.    JOHANNES VAN PELT, b. Bef. 05 Jul 1772, Southampton, Bucks, PA.
        iv.    JANNETJE VAN PELT, b. Bef. 22 May 1774, Southampton, Bucks, PA.
         v.    SARAH VAN PELT, b. Bef. 17 May 1778, Southampton, Bucks, PA.
        vi.    GEERTJE VAN PELT, b. 20 Dec 1780, Southampton, Bucks, PA.
       vii.    ELIZABETH VAN PELT, b. Bef. 29 May 1784, Southampton, Bucks, PA.

50.  WILLIAM6 CRAVEN (MAGDALENA5 BENNET, WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born 04 Apr 1749 in PA, and died Bef. 02 Jan 1820 in Warminster Twp., Bucks, PA.  He married CORNELIA CORNELL 27 Aug 1772 in DRC of Churchville, PA, daughter of WILLIAM CORNELL and ELSJE KROESEN.  She was born Bef. 11 Feb 1753 in near Southampton, Bucks, PA, and died 13 Sep 1826 in Warminster Twp., Bucks, PA.

                   i.    ELSJE7 CRAVEN, b. Bef. 07 Aug 1773, near Bensalem, PA; m. JACOB VAN DYKE, 31 Mar 1791, Neshaminy Presbyterian Church of Warwick, PA.
         ii.    THOMAS CRAVEN, b. Bef. 30 Jul 1775, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 16 Sep 1820, Warminster Twp., Bucks, PA.
        iii.    WILHELMUS CRAVEN, b. Bef. 12 Apr 1778, near Bensalem, PA; d. 28 Oct 1826, Bucks, PA.
        iv.    JACOBUS CRAVEN, b. 1787, PA; d. Bef. 1820.
         v.    BRECHTJE CRAVEN, b. Bef. 20 Jun 1790, near Churchville, PA; d. Bef. 1820.
        vi.    WILLIAM CRAVEN, b. 1792, PA.
       vii.    GILES CRAVEN.

51.  ANNA6 CRAVEN (MAGDALENA5 BENNET, WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1750 in PA.  She married (1) HENRY MCKINSTRY 24 Apr 1776 in Presbyterian Church of Newtown, PA, son of NATHAN MCKINSTRY and MARY TAYLOR.  He was born 1751, and died 1804 in Bucks, PA.  She married (2) HENRY BROUSE 23 Sep 1768 in Abington Presbyterian Church, Montgomery, PA. 

          i.    MARY7 MCKINSTRY, b. Abt. 1782, PA; m. JAMES SNODGRASS.
         ii.    HELEN MCKINSTRY, b. Abt. 1784, PA; m. JOHN SPENCER.
        iii.    CHRISTINA MCKINSTRY, b. Abt. 1786, PA.
        iv.    THOMAS MCKINSTRY, b. 10 Feb 1789, Buckingham, PA.
         v.    ANN MCKINSTRY, b. Bef. 17 Sep 1792, Buckingham, PA.

52.  JACOBUS6 CRAVEN (MAGDALENA5 BENNET, WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1752 in PA, and died Bef. 03 Mar 1824 in Warminster Twp., Bucks, PA.  He married ADRIANNA KROESEN, daughter of JOHANNES KROESEN and JANNETJE NEVIUS.  She was born Bef. 27 Nov 1757 in near Churchville, PA.
          i.    LENA7 CRAVEN, b. Bef. 21 Feb 1779, near Bensalem, PA; m. ADRIAN CORNELL, 16 Nov 1803, Presbyterian Church of Churchville, PA; b. 1779, PA.
         ii.    JANNETJE CRAVEN, b. 01 May 1781, near Bensalem, PA; m. UNKNOWN CORNELL.
        iii.    THOMAS CRAVEN, b. 10 Feb 1783, near Bensalem, PA; d. Bef. 1786.
        iv.    THOMAS CRAVEN, b. 01 May 1785, near Bensalem, PA.
         v.    ELIZABETH CRAVEN, b. Bef. 10 Jun 1787, near Bensalem, PA; m. JESSE FINNEY, 06 Jan 1808, Presbyterian Church of Churchville, PA.
        vi.    JOHN CRAVEN, b. Bef. 02 May 1790, near Churchville, PA.
       vii.    JAMES CRAVEN, b. 1792, PA.
      viii.    ISAAC CRAVEN, b. 1795, PA.
        ix.    WILLIAM CRAVEN, b. PA.

53.  GILES6 CRAVEN (MAGDALENA5 BENNET, WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1755 in PA, and died Bef. 29 Dec 1809 in Northampton, Bucks, PA.  He married ANN MCNAIR 19 May 1789 in Abington Presbyterian Church, Montgomery, PA. 
Children of GILES CRAVEN and ANN MCNAIR are:
          i.    SAMUEL7 CRAVEN, b. 15 Jan 1790, Northampton, Bucks, PA.
         ii.    HELEN CRAVEN, b. 28 Jan 1792, Northampton, Bucks, PA.
        iii.    THOMAS CRAVEN, b. 23 Jun 1794, Northampton, Bucks, PA.
        iv.    JOHN CRAVEN, b. 29 Jul 1799, Northampton, Bucks, PA.
         v.    JAMES CRAVEN.
        vi.    CHARLES CRAVEN.
       vii.    ANN CRAVEN.

54.  ISAAC6 CRAVEN (MAGDALENA5 BENNET, WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1760 in PA, and died 1835 in Bucks, PA.  He married ELIZABETH SUTPHEN, daughter of ABRAHAM SUTPHEN and ELEANOR SCHOUTE.  She was born 1765.
          i.    ELEANA7 CRAVEN, b. 07 Dec 1789, Warminster Twp., Bucks, PA.
         ii.    ABRAHAM CRAVEN, b. 08 Jun 1793, Warminster Twp., Bucks, PA.
        iii.    WILLIAM CRAVEN, b. 21 Nov 1799, Warminster Twp., Bucks, PA.
        iv.    ISAAC CRAVEN, b. 1802.

55.  HELEN6 CRAVEN (MAGDALENA5 BENNET, WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Abt. 1766 in PA, and died 21 Apr 1838.  She married MAHLON VAN BUSKIRK.  He was born 12 Sep 1761, and died 14 Jun 1840.
          i.    REBECCA7 VAN BUSKIRK.
         ii.    CHRISTINA VAN BUSKIRK.
        iii.    ANDREW VAN BUSKIRK.

56.  CHRISTINA6 CRAVEN (MAGDALENA5 BENNET, WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 08 Nov 1772 in near Bensalem, PA.  She married THOMAS BEANS 07 Dec 1797 in Neshaminy Presbyterian Church of Warwick, PA, son of ISAAC BEANS and CHRISTINA UNKNOWN.  He was born 1773.
          i.    JOHN CRAVEN7 BEANS, b. 09 Aug 1802, Warminster Twp., Bucks, PA.

57.  AGNES6 BENNET (ISAAC5, WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 19 Dec 1756 in near Bensalem, PA.  She married ABRAHAM CORNELL.  He died Bef. 28 Sep 1804 in Northampton, Bucks, PA.
          i.    GULIAM7 CORNELL, b. 1786, PA.
         ii.    MARGARET CORNELL, b. 1788, PA.
        iii.    CORNELIA CORNELL, b. 1789, PA.
        iv.    MARIA CORNELL, b. 1791, PA.

58.  WILLIAM6 BENNET (ISAAC5, WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 14 Feb 1762 in near Bensalem, PA, and died 14 Mar 1827 in Bucks, PA.  He married CORNELIA CORNELL, daughter of GUILIAM CORNELL and MARGARET SCHENCK.  She was born Bef. 11 Apr 1758 in near Southampton, PA, and died 03 Sep 1828 in Bucks, PA.
          i.    MARGARET7 BENNET, b. 1786, PA.
         ii.    MARIA BENNET, b. 1788, PA.
        iii.    PETER BENNET, b. 1794, PA.
        iv.    CHARITY BENNET, b. 1799, PA.
         v.    ISAAC BENNET, b. 1800, PA.

59.  MATTHEW6 BENNET (ISAAC5, WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 21 Apr 1764 in near Bensalem, PA, and died 26 Aug 1826 in Bucks, PA.  He married SARAH CORSEN 16 May 1793 in Presbyterian Church of Churchville, PA, daughter of BENJAMIN CORSEN and SARAH DUNGAN.  She was born 1773, and died 01 Feb 1846 in Bucks, PA.
          i.    BENJAMIN7 BENNET.
         ii.    THOMAS BENNET.
        iii.    JOSEPH BENNET.
        iv.    RYCK BENNET.
         v.    MARY BENNET.
        vi.    RACHEL BENNET.
       vii.    ELIZABETH BENNET.
      viii.    SARAH BENNET.
        ix.    JANE BENNET.
         x.    JOSHUA BENNET.
        xi.    AMOS BENNET.

60.  ELIZABETH6 VAN SANT (JANNETJE5 BENNET, WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born 1762 in PA, and died 07 Mar 1831 in Northampton, Bucks, PA.  She married DERRICK KROESEN, son of DERRICK CROESEN and MARIA VAN HORN.  He was born Bef. 14 Dec 1760 in near Churchville, PA, and died Bef. 17 Jan 1824 in Northampton, Bucks, PA.

          i.    CHARLES7 KROESEN, b. 07 Jan 1791, PA; d. 01 Sep 1824, Northampton, Bucks, PA.
         ii.    JAMES KROESEN.
        iii.    ELIZABETH KROESEN.
        iv.    CHARITY KROESEN.
         v.    JANE KROESEN.

61.  CHARLES6 VAN SANT (JANNETJE5 BENNET, WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 03 Nov 1765 in near Bensalem, PA, and died 25 Nov 1845 in Bucks, PA.  He married (1) EDITH CRAVEN 07 Nov 1793 in Neshaminy Presbyterian Church of Warwick, PA, daughter of THOMAS CRAVEN and ELEANOR HOUGH.  She was born 07 Oct 1768 in near Southampton, PA, and died Bef. 1809.  He married (2) JANE HORNER 29 Dec 1808 in Neshaminy Presbyterian Church Of Warminster, PA.  She was born 1784, and died 21 Apr 1820 in Bucks, PA.  He married (3) ELIZABETH DUNGAN Abt. 1821.  She was born 07 Mar 1774, and died 31 Mar 1845.
          i.    ISAAC7 VAN SANT, b. 1794.
         ii.    CHARLES GARRISON VAN SANT, b. 1797.
        iii.    ANN VAN SANT, b. 1799.
        iv.    WILLIAM VAN SANT, b. 1802.
         v.    HARMEN VAN SANT, b. 1807.

        vi.    MARY7 VAN SANT, b. 1813, PA.
       vii.    JAMES VAN SANT, b. 1815, PA.

Children of ISAAC VAN SANT are:
          i.    WILLIAM7 VAN SANT.
         ii.    WILHELMUS VAN SANT.

63.  JOHN6 VAN SANT (JANNETJE5 BENNET, WILLIAM4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 17 Dec 1769 in near Bensalem, PA.  He married ELIZABETH KROESEN, daughter of JOHANNES KROESEN and JANNETJE NEVIUS.  She was born Bef. 03 Jan 1765 in near Churchville, PA.
          i.    ELIZABETH7 VAN SANT.
         ii.    JAMES MONROE VAN SANT.

64.  MARIA6 BENNET (JAN5, JOOST4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 16 Jan 1757 in near Churchville, PA.  She married REYNIER BENNET, son of JOHN BENNET and STYNTJE SUYDAM.  He was born Bef. 01 Jan 1756 in near Bensalem, PA.
          i.    JOHANNES7 BENNET, b. Bef. 02 Apr 1780, near Bensalem, PA.

65.  IDA6 BENNET (HENDRICK5, AGNES4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born Bef. 27 Feb 1763 in near Freehold, Monmouth Co., NJ, and died 11 Sep 1837 in Randall, Montgomery, NY.  She married JOHN TIMOTHY LENARDSON 20 Nov 1787 in DRC of Caughnawaga, NY, son of JOHANNES LENDERSON and ANNETJE STANHOUSE.  He was born 28 Aug 1755 in Montgomery, NY, and died 18 Oct 1834 in Randall, Montgomery, NY.

Children of IDA BENNET and JOHN LENARDSON are:
          i.    NEELTJE7 LENARDSON, b. Abt. 1787, NY; m. HENRY WILLIAMS; b. Bef. 27 Oct 1782, near Schenectady, NY.
         ii.    ROBERT STANHOUSE LENARDSON, b. Abt. 1789, NY; d. 1838; m. HARRIOT CODDINGTON.
        iii.    HENDRICK LENARDSON, b. Bef. 10 Apr 1791, near Fonda, NY; d. 20 Jan 1802.
        iv.    ANN LENARDSON, b. Bef. 28 Feb 1802, near Fonda, NY; d. 03 Feb 1803.
         v.    HENRY LENARDSON, b. Bef. 13 May 1804, near Fonda, NY; d. 11 Aug 1806.
        vi.    JAMES LENARDSON, b. 26 Sep 1804; d. 12 Jan 1808.
       vii.    NANCY LENARDSON, b. 16 Feb 1808; m. PETER VAN ERVA.

66.  MARY6 BENNET (HENDRICK5, AGNES4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born 28 Sep 1771 in NJ, and died 28 Nov 1836 in Burtonsville, NY.  She married ROWLAND BELL Abt. 1793, son of CASPER BELL and ELIZABETH FONTEYN.  He was born 1771, and died 04 Apr 1857 in Burtonsville, NY.
Children of MARY BENNET and ROWLAND BELL are:
          i.    LYDIA7 BELL, b. Abt. 1795, NY.
         ii.    ELIZABETH BELL, b. Abt. 1797, NY.
        iii.    HENRY BELL, b. Abt. 1799, NY.
        iv.    ROWLAND BELL, b. Abt. 1802, NY.
         v.    JASPER BELL, b. Abt. 1805, NY.
        vi.    MARY BELL, b. NY.
       vii.    ELEANOR BELL, b. NY.
      viii.    ADAH BELL, b. Abt. 1815, NY.

67.  ELIZABETH6 BENNET (HENDRICK5, AGNES4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born 1775 in NJ, and died Bef. 1842.  She married URIAH SCHOUTEN, son of ANDRIES SCHOUTEN and GRIETJE UNKNOWN.  He was born 1770, and died May 1828 in Oswego, NY.
          i.    HENRY7 SCHOUTEN, b. 10 May 1806; d. 25 Aug 1857, Sandusky, OH; m. BETHIAH FOSTER.

68.  WILLIAM6 BENNET (HENDRICK5, AGNES4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born 1779 in NJ, and died 1858.  He married CATHERINE UNKNOWN.  She was born 1785 in Dutchess, NY, and died 03 Jan 1870.
          i.    HENRY7 BENNET, b. Abt. 1803, NY.
         ii.    DAUGHTER BENNET, b. Abt. 1805, NY.
        iii.    DAUGHTER BENNET, b. Abt. 1809, NY.
        iv.    PETER BENNET, b. Abt. 1809, NY; m. ELIZABETH UNKNOWN.
         v.    SAMUEL BENNET, b. 19 Jul 1810, NY; d. 30 Sep 1855.
        vi.    WILLIAM BENNET, b. Abt. 1815, NY; d. 06 Oct 1838.
                vii.    JOHN L BENNET, b. 01 Sep 1817, Montgomery, NY; d. 25 Oct 1866; m. PHEBE ANN HALL; b. 07 Oct 1814; d. 22 Mar 1905.
      viii.    ELIZABETH MARIA BENNET, b. 07 Jan 1821, NY; d. 24 Feb 1853.
        ix.    NELSON BENNET, b. 1828, Montgomery, NY.

69.  CORNELIUS6 BENNET (HENDRICK5, AGNES4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born 1782 in NJ, and died Bef. 12 Dec 1828 in Charleston, NY.  He married CHARLOTTE UNKNOWN.  She was born 24 Sep 1781, and died 19 Sep 1872.
          i.    NEELTJE7 BENNET, b. 18 Jul 1803, Halfmoon Saratoga, NY; d. 05 Jul 1886, Eaton, NY; m. JAMES PETTIT, 03 Feb 1820, Charleston, Montgomery, NY; b. 28 Apr 1798, Westfield, Washington, NY; d. Aft. 1879.
         ii.    PETER CORNELIUS BENNET, b. 18 Jun 1805, Halfmoon Saratoga, NY.
        iii.    HANNA BENNET, b. Abt. 1807, Halfmoon Saratoga, NY; m. JAMES TUNIS SWART, 18 Oct 1834, Charleston, Montgomery, NY.
        iv.    HENRY BENNET, b. Abt. 1810, Halfmoon Saratoga, NY; m. HANNAH COVE, 01 Nov 1829.
         v.    ABUJAH BENNET, b. Abt. 1812, Halfmoon Saratoga, NY; d. 31 Aug 1876, Lebanon, Madison, NY; m. ELIZABETH ANNE SCHUYLER; b. 23 May 1812; d. 06 Apr 1892.
        vi.    WILLIAM BENNET, b. Abt. 1813, Halfmoon Saratoga, NY; m. ELMA STRONG.
       vii.    JOHN BENNET, b. Abt. 1815, Charleston, NY; d. 12 Jun 1888, Eaton, NY; m. MARGARET UNKNOWN; b. Abt. 1815; d. 23 Dec 1880.
      viii.    CATHERINE JANE BENNET, b. Abt. 1816, Charleston, NY; m. JOHN JENNINGS; b. Abt. 1810, England.

70.  MARY6 HYER (AGNES5 BENNET, AGNES4, ISAAC3, ADRIAN WILLEMSE2, WILLIAM ADRIANSE1) was born 18 Dec 1768, and died 25 May 1855 in Monmouth, NJ.  She married PETER VAN PELT 12 Apr 1792 in DRC of Freehold, NJ, son of PETER VAN PELT and NEELTJE VANDERBILT.  He was born 05 Jun 1772 in NJ, and died 08 Dec 1823 in Monmouth, NJ.
Children of MARY HYER and PETER VAN PELT are:
          i.    PETER7 VAN PELT, b. 22 Sep 1792, Monmouth Co., NJ; d. 12 Feb 1876, Monmouth, NJ.
                  ii.    MARY PELT, b. 02 Mar 1794, NJ; d. 26 Jan 1876, Matawan, Monmouth, NJ; m. JAMES J. VAN PELT; b. 17 Aug 1790; d. 23 Aug 1851, Monmouth, NJ.
        iii.    CATHERINE VAN PELT, b. 03 Sep 1796, NJ; d. 10 Aug 1873, Monmouth, NJ.
        iv.    WILLIAM P. VAN PELT, b. 17 Sep 1798, NJ; d. 21 Dec 1874, Monmouth, NJ.
         v.    HENDRICK P. VAN PELT, b. 15 Dec 1800, NJ; d. 18 Jul 1872, Monmouth, NJ.
        vi.    ELEANOR VAN PELT, b. 31 Dec 1803, NJ; d. 05 Nov 1823, Monmouth, NJ.
       vii.    JOHN P. VAN PELT, b. 06 Dec 1804, NJ; d. 11 Jan 1811, Monmouth, NJ.
      viii.    ALEXANDER P. VAN PELT, b. 01 Oct 1808, NJ; d. 30 Jan 1876, Matawan, Monmouth, NJ.


2.  License.
4.  License.
5.  By Isaac Hicks.
6.  License.
8.  License.

[1] E.B. O'Callagahan, “Census of Kings County; About 1698” in Documentary History of the State of New York, Vol. III (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1850), 134.
[2] Kings Co. N.Y. Conveyances, Lib 3, 91.
[3] Kings Co. N.Y. Conveyances, Lib 4, Brooklyn Town Meeting, 27 Jan 1711, 295.
[4] Teunis Bergen, Register in Alphabetical Order, of the Early Settlers of Kings County, Long Island, N.Y. (New York: S.W. Green’s Son), 1881, 28.
[5] Pennsylvania Vital Records: from the Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine and the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983), 108.
[6] Kings Co., N.Y. Conveyances, Lib 2, 291, copy provided courtesy of Chris Chester.
[7] Samuel S. Purple, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York; Marriages from 11 December 1639 to 26 August 1801 (Clearfield, NJ: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1890), 89.
[8] David William Voorhees, Records of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatbush, Kings County, New York, Volume 1, 1677-1720 (New York, Holland Society of New York, 1998), 394.
[9] Kings Co. N.Y. Conveyances, Lib 4, Brooklyn Town Meeting, 27 Jan 1711, 29.  Listing includes Joseph Vente.
[10] James M. Macdonald, Two Centuries in the History of the Presbyterian Church, Jamaica, L.I. (New York: Robert Carter & Brothers, 1862), 245.  Listed as Joseph Fanton.
[11] "New York, Land Records, 1630-1975," images, FamilySearch (,358904301 : accessed 11 March 2015), Kings > Conveyances 1679-1736 vol 1-4 > image 614 of 666; county courthouses, New York, courtesy of Chris Chester.
[12] Pennsylvania Vital Records (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983), 247.
[13] Pennsylvania Vital Records (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983), 248.
[14] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown”, GMNJ 25 (1950): 65.
[15] Pennsylvania Vital Records (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983), 249.          
[16] Frances Bergen Cropsey and Harriet Mott Stryker-Rodda, “Records of the Reformed Church of New Utrecht, Long Island,” RECORD 112 (1981): 205.
[17] Kings Co., N.Y., Conveyances, Liber 5, folio 39, an indenture between the freeholders of Brooklyn and Hans Bergen.
[18] New York (State), Abstracts of Wills on File in the Surrogate’s Office, City of New York. Vol. IV, 1744-1753 (New York: New York Historical Society, 1896), 22.
[19] Barbara A. Barth, “The Family of Dirck Jansen Woertman of Brooklyn Ferry”, RECORD 132 (2001): 201.
[20] There were only four known Adrian Bennets born early enough to have been the husband of Catherine:
Father          #        Son         #            Born      Comment
Jan               9       Adrian    41           1697       children baptized Jamaica early 1720s – mid 1730s
Isaac          14       Adrian    72           1698       lived in Brooklyn
Abraham   15       Adrian    79           1703       children baptized in PA & NJ in 1730s
Adrian         2      Adrian    10           1670       wrote will in NJ in 1742
[21] New York (State), Abstracts of Wills on File in the Surrogate’s Office, City of New York. Vol. XI, Abstracts of Unrecorded Wills Prior to 1790 (New York: New York Historical Society. 1903), 131.
“Will of Tunis WARTMAN. I do make this to be my last Will and Testament. I leave to my two sons, Derrick and Tunis, all my lands and meadows, to be divided in six weeks, and my son Derrick to have the first choice, and they are to pay £740, as follows: To my son John, £10, and £30 to my daughter Sarah, within one year. Of the remaining £700, they are to pay £60 a year to their brothers and sisters, viz.: John, Martha Simonsen, Hannah Jacobse, Elizabeth Schauck, Catharine Bennit, Harmety Duree (Duryee?), Sarah, Derrick, and Tunis. I leave to my 3 sons, two negro men and one wench. To my daughter Sarah, a negro girl. To my daughter, Harmette Duree, 2 cows. The rest to all my children. I make my three sons, executors. October 29, 1729. Witnesses, Hendrick Vandewater, Dirck Sprang, Josiah Hurman. Proved, December 11, 1729. (Place of residence not given).”
[22] E. B. O'Callaghan, “A List off  all the Inhabitants off the Township of Brookland” in Documentary History of New York, Vol. 4 (Albany: C. Van Benthuysen, 1851), 196.
[23] Arthur C.M. Kelly, transcriber, Vital Records of the Protestant Dutch Reformed Church at Acquackanonk (Rhinebeck, N.Y.: Kinship, 1992), 209.
[24] Frances Bergen Cropsey and Harriet Mott Stryker-Rodda, “Records of the Reformed Church of New Utrecht, Long Island,” RECORD 112 (1981): 211.
[25] New York (State), Abstracts of Wills on File in the Surrogate’s Office, City of New York. Vol. III, 1730-1744 (New York: New York Historical Society, 1895), 40.
[26] Frances Bergen Cropsey and Harriet Mott Stryker-Rodda, “Records of the Reformed Church of New Utrecht, Long Island,” RECORD 113 (1982): 75.
[27] An examination of the Bennet family shows there were only Jacob Bennets with a son named Jacob Bennet born before 1720.  Even considering the designation Jr. may have only meant “the younger” there were only eight Jacob/Jacobus Bennets born before 1720.  Of these, Jacob # 68 is the only one who could be the husband of Catherine.
Father       #           Son          #     Birth Comment
Adrian       2         Jacob      12    1674  f-i-l bequeathed £100 to him in 174044
William      3         Jacob      22    1667  lived in NYC45
Jacob         12        Jacob      68    1699  m Jannetje, lived at Gowanus, nft of her after 1730
Isaac          14       Jacob       75    1706  m Mayke Wyckoff, to Bucks Co., PA
Abraham    15       Jacob       83    1713  m Dirckje, of Bucks Co., PA in 1737
Jan              20       Jacobus   91    1699  m Elizabeth Brouwer, of Staten Is.
Jacob          22       Jacobus  109    1699   Died 1732
William    107        Jacob      271   1717  died before 1723
[28] Teunis Bergen, The Bergen Family: Or, The Descendants of Hans Hansen Bergen (Albany: Joe Munsell, 1876).  The “first” family is listed on page 568.  The “second” family, page 555, lists the mother as Margaret Lane.  Jacob’s will includes a daughter named Charity who is actually part of the first family.  His will also mentions a grandson, Roelof Van Dyck, who is probably the son of his daughter, Margaret, of the “first” family.  Bergen lists a daughter named Maria in the “first” family, but she is not mentioned in her father’s will.  Her oldest child was born in 1791, making her inclusion in this family doubtful. Her husband, John Newbury, appears to have died just before the 1800 census when she is listed in Southfield, Richmond Co., NY as Mary Newbury, age 16-26 with two daughters under 10 (see Richmond, New York 1800 Federal Census, transcribed by James Elbrecht,Jr., accessed 13 Feb 2015.  Bergen includes a son named Hendrick in the “second” family, not mentioned in his father’s will, see Elmer Hutchinson, editor, Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Vol. 35, Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Vol. 6 (Trenton, N.J.: New Jersey Historical Society, 1939), 42.
[29] Teunis Bergen, The Bergen Family, or, the Descendants of Hans Hansen Bergen, One of the Early Settlers of New York and Brooklyn, L. I. (Albany: Joe Munsell, 1876), 568.
[30] Teunis Bergen, The Bergen Family, or, the Descendants of Hans Hansen Bergen, One of the Early Settlers of New York and Brooklyn, L. I. (Albany: Joe Munsell, 1876), 555.
[31] Tobias Alexander Wright, Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Vol. 4, Staten Island Church Records (New York: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1909), 54.
[32] Tobias Alexander Wright, Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Vol. 4, Staten Island Church Records (New York: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1909), 57.
[33] Tobias Alexander Wright, Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Vol. 4, Staten Island Church Records (New York: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1909), 58.
[34]  “Six Mile Run Church Baptisms, 1743 – 1805,” SCHQ 8 (1919): 126.
[35]  “Six Mile Run Church Baptisms, 1743 – 1805,” SCHQ 8 (1919): 130.
[36] “Six Mile Run Church Baptisms, 1743 – 1805,” SCHQ 8 (1919): 214.
[37] Tobias Alexander Wright, Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Vol. 4, Staten Island Church Records (New York: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1909), 41.
[38] Tobias Alexander Wright, Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Vol. 4, Staten Island Church Records (New York: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1909), 57.
[39] “1781, Jan 5.  Bergen, Jacob, of Rocky Hill, Somerset Co.; will of.  My wife, and children, Jacob, Charity, wife of Abraham Quick, Elsey Bergen, and my grandson, Rulof Van Dike, all real and personal estate, and Margaret, my wife, to have possession of all while my widow, except that the mare I bought of David Snowden I give to my son Jacob.  Executors - son, Jacob, son-in-law, Abraham Quick, and my brother, Henry.  Witnesses - Charles W. Beekman, Henry Harrison, Daniel Agnew. Proved March 5, 1781. 1797, July 22. Inventory, pounds 64.0.6, made by Stephen Howell and Thomas Badcock, of the rest of goods after death of his widow.  Lib. 22, p. 319.”  Elmer Hutchinson, editor, Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Vol. 35, Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Vol. 6 (Trenton, N.J.: New Jersey Historical Society, 1939), 42.
[40] Teunis Bergen, The Bergen Family, or, the Descendants of Hans Hansen Bergen, One of the Early Settlers of New York and Brooklyn, L. I. (Albany: Joel Munsell, 1876), 238.
[41] “Six Mile Run Church Baptisms, 1743 – 1805,” Abraham SCHQ 8 (1919): 225; Margaret SCHQ 8 (1919): 226; Johannes SCHQ 8 (1919): 228; Peter SCHQ 8 (1919) :230; Elsje SCHQ 8 (1919): 263; Elsje SCHQ 8 (1919): 267.
[42] A. Van Doren Honeyman, “The Lane Families of Somerset County and Vicinity,” SCHQ 2 (1913): 110ff.
[43] Teunis Bergen, The Bergen Family, or, the Descendants of Hans Hansen Bergen, One of the Early Settlers of New York and Brooklyn, L. I. (Albany: Joel Munsell, 1876), 555.
[44] Elmer T. Hutchinson, editor, Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Vol. 38, Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Vol. 9 (Newark, N.J.: New Jersey Historical Society, 1944), 29.
[45] Teunis Bergen, The Bergen Family, or, the Descendants of Hans Hansen Bergen, One of the Early Settlers of New York and Brooklyn, L. I. (Albany: Joel Munsell, 1876), 546.
[46] Teunis Bergen, The Bergen Family, or, the Descendants of Hans Hansen Bergen, One of the Early Settlers of New York and Brooklyn, L. I. (Albany: Joel Munsell, 1876), 546.
[47] Teunis Bergen, The Bergen Family, or, the Descendants of Hans Hansen Bergen, One of the Early Settlers of New York and Brooklyn, L. I. (Albany: Joel Munsell, 1876), 233.
[48] Teunis Bergen, The Bergen Family, or, the Descendants of Hans Hansen Bergen, One of the Early Settlers of New York and Brooklyn, L. I. (Albany: Joel Munsell, 1876), 558.
[49] Frances Bergen Cropsey and Harriet Mott Stryker-Rodda, “Records of the Reformed Church of New Utrecht, Long Island,” RECORD 112 (1981): 205.
[50] New York (State), Abstracts of Wills on File in the Surrogate’s Office, City of New York Vol. IV, 1744-1753 (New York: New York Historical Society, 1896), 22.
[51] New York (State), Abstracts of Wills on File in the Surrogate’s Office, City of New York. Vol. V, 1754-1760 (New York: New York Historical Society. 1897), 86.
[52] Tobias Alexander Wright, Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Vol 4, Staten Island Church Records (New York: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1909), 58.
[53] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 24 (1949): 50.
[54] Frances Bergen Cropsey and Harriet Mott Stryker-Rodda, “Records of the Reformed Church of New Utrecht, Long Island,” RECORD 113 (1982): 76.
[55] Frances Bergen Cropsey and Harriet Mott Stryker-Rodda, “Records of the Reformed Church of New Utrecht, Long Island,” RECORD 113 (1982): 77.
[56] Walter Kenneth Griffin, “The Baptismal Records of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of New Utrecht, Long Island: 1718-1741,” RECORD 73 (1942): 105.
[57] “Page 343.--In the name of God, Amen, May 15, 1745. I, CHRISTOPHEL SCHARS, of Gowanus, in the town of Brookland, in Kings County, Island of Nassau, being at present very well. After payment of debts and funeral charges, I leave to my loving cousins, Teunis Van Pelt, Alexander Van Pelt, Peter Van Pelt, Johanes Van Pelt, and Jacomintie, wife of Samuel Berrie, and Grietie, wife of Jacob Bergen, of Staten Island, all my estate, both real and personal, in Brookland, and all my real estate in Neversink, in East New Jersey. I make my cousins, Peter Van Pelt and Johanes Van Pelt, executors. Witnesses, William Hoogland, Johanes Lott, Abraham Lott. Proved, December 22, 1755.”
New York (State), Abstracts of Wills on File in the Surrogate’s Office, City of New York. Vol. V, 1754-1760 (New York: New York Historical Society. 1897), 86.
[58] New York (State), Abstracts of Wills on File in the Surrogate’s Office, City of New York. Vol. V, 1754-1760 (New York: New York Historical Society, 1897), 360.
[59] Dr. Kenneth Scott, compiler, New York Marriage Bonds 1753-1783 (New York: Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York, 1972), 27.
1763 Oct 18. Bennet, Jacob, and Charity Remsen, of Kings Co., widow – Jacob Bennet, Jacob Stellenwerf [7:401]
[60] “4.425. Isaac Bennett of Northampton Twp., Farmer.  January 14, 1786.  Proved January 30, 1786.  Wife Mary.
Gerardus Wynkoop and Arthur Leffertson exrs.  Sons Isaac and William. Daus. Elizabeth and Lena.  Wits: Arthur Bennett and Henry Feastur.”  Pennsylvania Historical Society, Abstracts of Bucks County, Pennsylvania Wills, 1785-1825 (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2007), 4.
[61] Elmer Hutchinson, editor, Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Vol. 40, Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Vol. 11 (Trenton, N.J.: New Jersey Historical Society, 1947), 27.
[62] Pennsylvania Vital Records (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983), 253.
[63] Barbara Barth, The Dorland Enigma Solved (Sandisfield, MA: Diane Swartz, 2007), 55.
[64] "Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994," images, FamilySearch (,268923001 : accessed 27 April 2015), Bucks > Wills 1786-1797 vol 5 > image 132 of 318; county courthouses, Pennsylvania.
[65] Kenneth A. Bennett, William Adriaense Bennet, Descendants and Related Families (Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1998), 114.
[66] Pennsylvania Vital Records (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983), 249.
[67] Thera Schwenk-Hammond, Wills: Abstracts: Book 6: Bucks Co., PA 1797-1804, contributed to USGenWeb Archives, accessed 1 Apr 2015 at
[68] Barbara Barth, The Dorland Enigma Solved (Sandisfield, MA: Diane Swartz, 2007), 54.  The baptism of Edith cited by Barth is actually for her cousin, daughter of Thomas Craven and Eleanor Hough, see F. Edward Wright, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Church Records of the 17th and 18th Centuries (Lewes, DE: Colonial Roots, 2003, 48).  See also Barbara Barth, Ysbrant Eldersz of Rensselaerswyck, RECORD 128 (1997): 235. 
[69] "Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994," images, FamilySearch (,268781501 : accessed 13 April 2015), Bucks > Wills 1760-1786 vol 3-4 > image 107 of 578; county courthouses, Pennsylvania.
[70] His sister, Angenietje, was once recorded as Annemietie GMNJ 23 (1948): 68, and a grandniece as Annanitie, GMNJ 26 (1951): 65.
[71] John Blair Linn and William Henry Egle, Pennsylvania Marriages Prior to 1790: Names of Persons For Whom Marriage Licenses Were Issued in the Province of Pennsylvania Previous to 1790 (Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1976), 27.
[72] WM. J. HINKE, “Church Record of Neshaminy and Bensalem, Bucks County, 1710-1738, in Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society (1901-1930), Vol. 1, No. 1 (MAY A. D. 1901), 127.
[73] Genealogies of New Jersey Families, From the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, Baltimore, M.D.: Genealogical Publishing Com, 1996, 947.
[74] Pennsylvania Vital Records (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983), 246 and 249.  Gerrit Wynkoop and Susanna Vliet were witnesses for Susanna, d/o Joost Bennet and Geertje Vliet.  Joost Bennet and Geertje Vliet were witnesses for Geertje, d/o Gerrit Wynkoop and Susannah Vliet.
[75] Pennsylvania Vital Records (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983), 251.
[76] Pennsylvania Vital Records (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983), 252.
[77] Pennsylvania Vital Records (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983), 253.
[78] Pennsylvania Vital Records (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983), 248.
[79] Pennsylvania Vital Records (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983), 257.
[80] John Blair Linn and William Henry Egle, Pennsylvania Marriages Prior to 1790: Names of Persons For Whom Marriage Licenses Were Issued in the Province of Pennsylvania Previous to 1790 (Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1976), 28.
[81] Richard Hutchinson, East New Jersey Land Records, 1727 - 1736/7 (Books K and C-3) (Lewes, Del.: Colonial Roots, 2007), 52.
[82] Monmouth County Deeds, Book H, page 185.
[83] As mentioned earlier, her father died by 1711 and her last child, Maria, was baptized on 8 Aug 1758.  See “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 26 (1951): 20.
[84] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 25 (1950): 65.
[85] Elmer Hutchinson, editor, Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Vol. 36, Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Vol. 7 (Trenton, N.J.: New Jersey Historical Society, 1941), 22.
[86] As will be seen later, Magdalena was their second daughter.
[87]  “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 24 (1949): 48.
[88] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 23 (1948): 68.
[89] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 23 (1948): 68.
[90] William Nelson, Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey, Vol. 22, Marriage Records (Paterson, N.J.: The Printing Press and Publishing Co., 1900), 23.
[91] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 36 (1961): 39.
[92] Elmer Hutchinson, editor, Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Vol. 36, Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Vol. 7 (Trenton, N.J.: New Jersey Historical Society, 1941), 22.
[93] Based on the baptisms of her brothers, Isaac in 1732, Johannes in 1737 and Jacob in 1739.
[94] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 24 (1949): 50.
[95] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown.” GMNJ 24 (1949): 48.  The record as published has the year as 1737, but should be 1739.  Over half of the families with a baptismal record in the first group of records marked from mid 1737 to the end of 1737 (pages 46 – 48) had a child baptized in the second group of 1737 baptisms (pages 49 – 51).  In the years from 1736 through 1739, most of the baptisms occur on Wednesdays, except for the first group of 1737 baptisms.  However, if the year actually was 1739, then most of those baptisms are on Wednesdays as well.  As an example, Johannes Voorhees was supposedly baptized on 30 Mar 1737 (no date given, but is the previous date listed in the register, followed by 8 Jul), but he was born on 11 Jun 1739 (The Van Voorhees Family in America, the First Six Generations, Florence Christoph, pg. 53), and he had a sister, Annetje, born 10 Sep 1737, baptized at the same church on 9 Oct 1737, just over 6 months apart.
[96] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 31 (1955): 68.
[97] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 25 (1950): 21.
[98] William Nelson, Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey, Vol. 22, Marriage Records (Paterson, N.J.: The Printing Press and Publishing Co., 1900), 23.
[99] John E. Stillwell, Historical and Genealogical Miscellany, Vol. 1 (New York: 1903), 168.
[100] John E. Stillwell, Historical and Genealogical Miscellany, Vol. 1 (New York: 1903), 168.  He was aged two years and three weeks at the time.
[101] Thomas B. Willson, Notices From New Jersey Newspapers, 1781-1790, Records of New Jersey, Volume 1, Lambertville, N.J., Hunterdon House, 1988, 106.
[102] Year: 1790; Census Place: Mohawk, Montgomery, New York; Series: M637; Roll: 6; Page: 52; Image: 40; Family History Library Film: 0568146
[103] "New York, Probate Records, 1629-1971," images, FamilySearch (,214537102 : accessed 12 March 2015), Saratoga > Wills 1799-1815 vol 1-2 > image 251 of 479; county courthouses, New York.
[104] Ledley, “Willem Adriaense Bennet”, RECORD 95 (1964): 17.
[105] “New Brunswick First Reformed Church Baptisms,” PNJHS 12 (1927): 226.
[106] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 25 (1950): 43.
[107] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 25 (1950): 47.
[108] New York (State), New York Marriages Previous to 1784: a Reprint of the Original Edition of 1860, with Additions and Corrections (Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1984), 25.
[109] Sue Ellen Fealko, “Van Brakle-Polhemus-Paret Family Record,” RECORD 124 (1993): 29.
[110] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 31 (1955): 26.
[111] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 25 (1950): 63.
[112] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 25 (1950): 91.
[113] “Records of the Dutch Congregations of Freehold and Middletown,” GMNJ 26 (1951): 20.
[114] “Somerset County Marriages, 1795 – 1879,” SCHQ 1 (1912): 296.
[115] Maria, 1806; Isaac Amerman, 1809; Jane, 1811; Thomas Stout. 1814.  Dutch Reformed Church, Owasco, NY, Contributed to US GenWeb Archives, Sep 2000 by Cindy Torres Owens
[116] Rev. B.V.D. Wyckoff, “Readington Church Baptisms From 1720,” SCHQ 5 (1916): 305.
[117] Ledley, “Willem Adriaense Bennet”, RECORD 95 (1964): 162.
[118] Rev. Andrew Hansen, “Hillsborough (Millstone) Reformed Church Baptisms,” SCHQ 7 (1918): 201.
[119] “Six Mile Run Church Baptisms, 1743 – 1805,” SCHQ 8 (1919): 265.
[120] “Elmer T. Hutchinson, editor, Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Vol. 40, Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Vol. 11 (Trenton, N.J.: New Jersey Historical Society, 1947), 194.
[121] A. Van Doren Honeyman, editor, Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Vol. 32, Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Vol. 3 (Somerville, N.J.: New Jersey Historical Society, 1924), 176.

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